Standoff over Delmonte land rages despite President Ruto's directive

Aug 20, 2023 - 21:39
Standoff over Delmonte land rages despite President Ruto's directive
President William Ruto adressing.


Sunday, August 20, 2023

KNA by Muoki Charles

A standoff is ensuing between the Murang'a County Government and Kandara residents who are eyeing the ceded Del Monte Company land despite President William Ruto's directive on the subdivision of the land.

Residents through their patron Mr. Kibiru Njuguna said despite the directive to have any dispute on the land resolved by October to pave the way for mega projects on the land, no progress has been made so far.

They said they have scheduled meetings with Murang'a Governor Dr. Irungu Kang'ata to iron out differences over the 1, 400-acre land though he has not been keen.

"The governor has neither initiated meetings nor picked our calls and time is running out," said Njuguna during a meeting at Makenji area, Murang’a.

President Ruto during a development tour of Central Kenya recently directed the parties to embrace dialogue and resolve the stalemate to allow the government to initiate projects while at the same time settling people there.

He said the government has allocated Sh10 billion to establish an Export Processing Zone (EPZ) so as to create jobs.

The residents said they will cooperate with the government in the demarcation process adding that as victims of historical injustices, they must be given priority when allocating the land. 

They vowed to continue cultivating the ceded Delmonte land which they invaded about a year ago saying this would prevent outsiders and the county government from entering the land. 

Governor Kangata wants to construct a Level 5 hospital on the ceded land.

A report by the Parliamentary Lands Committee and the National Lands Committee proposes the residents to receive 70 per cent of the land and the county government 20 per cent.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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