Sugarcane farmers in Trans Mara asked to practice mixed crop farming

Oct 25, 2023 - 18:27
Sugarcane farmers in Trans Mara asked to practice mixed crop farming
A tractor transporting sugarcane to Trans Mara Sugar Company.


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

KNA by Ann Salaton/John Lebunge 

Sugarcane farmers in Trans Mara West Sub County of Narok County have been urged to practice mixed crop farming to diversify their income and boost nutrition.

Kenya National Federation of Sugarcane Farmers chairman Stephen Ole Narupa challenged farmers to stop relying on sugarcane farming as their only source of income but plant other short term maturing crops for household consumption and income generation.

He asked farmers to sub-divide their pieces of land to ensure they plant all types of crops as well as rearing livestock as sugarcane takes over 18 months to mature.

“Farmers need to be wise as their families need a constant supply of food. This is why you should partition part of your land to plant short term crops that will provide food for human and livestock,” said Ole Narupa.

Ole Narupa added that his association will train farmers on how to improve their sugarcane production as they enlighten them on the contracts they sign with sugar companies.

“From next year, we are going to have farmers training forums to enlighten them on the details in the contract sheets that they sign with the sugar companies. The farmers will also be taken through the legal rights they are entitled to,” he said.

The chairman also asked sugarcane farmers not to over rely on the millers to provide farm inputs as they dictate on the timings and the prices to sell their mature sugarcane.

Over reliance on a single miller, he added, limits the farmer from selling their products to other millers who could be buying at a higher price.

“Plant your sugarcane without taking any inputs (fertilizer, seed cane and machinery services) from any sugar company, this will help you when you want to sell your product to the miller of your choice as no one will dictate on the time to harvest,” said Ole Narupa.

Most farmers in Trans Mara sell their sugarcane to TransMara Sugar Company, however in the recent past, other companies like Sony Sugar and Ndhiwa Sugar have shown interest in purchasing the sugarcane.

Courtesy; KNA


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