Suspected Land Fraudsters nabbed

Dec 8, 2023 - 13:53
Suspected Land Fraudsters nabbed
Jackson Mwangi and Accomplice Macharia arrested by the DCI in connection to land Grabbing syndicate.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations has nabbed two suspects in connection to a Land grabbing syndicate targeting elderly whites in Nairobi posh Estates. 

Jackson Mwangi Wambui and his accomplice Macharia were arrested in contempt to bribe a DCI Investigations officer at the DCI Mazingira Complex offices. 

In a secret operation, the two were led into the IO's Land Investigations Unit office for a pre-planned meeting where they seeked to bribe the officer in order influence a two month delay in a case in which they are accused of attempting to grab a 0.2026 hactares parcel of land at Thome V area.

According to the DCI, the two were recorded in secret cameras while planning to bribe the officer Ksh 200,000 for the favor so that they can get enough time to aquire fake documents that would support their land ownership in court after they had previously been throwned out of the land case due to lack of proper documentation to proof ownership . 

The two were later whisked away by detectives who were closely monitoring the recordings. 

Kiambu County ODPP directed the IO to release the two on Sh200,000 cash bail to allow the office enough time to peruse the evidence file presented. 

Preliminary criminal analysis conducted by the DCI Online and Digital Platforms Unit reveals numerous cases of land fraud implicating Jackson's cartel, including the attempted grabbing of Mr Richard Hooper's Karen home in January 18, 2023 where he personated to be the Deputy OCS Karen Police Station. The case (link provided) is pending at Ngong LThe aw Courts.

Further investigations are ongoing pending their arraignment. 

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