Water shortage in Hola Town

May 29, 2023 - 15:55
Water shortage in Hola Town
A dry water tap; Courtesy istock

Hola, Monday, May 29, 2023

KNA by Simon Guruba


About 15,000 residents of Hola Town and its out skirts have been experiencing severe water shortage for the past one week following power disconnection at Hola water supply Station.

Contacted today, Tana Water and Sanitation Company (TAWASCO) managing director Engineer William Jilo said, the water Company has a water electricity bill accumulating to about Sh4 million that has contributed to the disconnection.

Speaking to the press Engineer Jilo said, the Water Company has appealed to the Tana River County Government to intervene by paying the bills because TAWASCO is a young Company and unable to pay, saying already the County government have agreed and payment is in the process.

Engineer Jilo assured the areas residents and Hola Town water consumers to be patient adding that before the end of this week, water supply will resume in their homes.

Speaking to the press a water consumer Ms. Halima Hiribae said, people have been forced to fetch water from River Tana that is infested by crocodiles endangering their lives because they may be attacked by the hideous reptiles.

Another water consumer Ms. Jane Ngugi who owns a Guest House in Hola Town called on the water company to pay the electricity bills so that water supply could resume because the Guest House owners are forced to pay extra money to water vendors who are supplying water to the establishment.

Ms. Ngugi said, Hola Town residents have been experiencing water shortage every month following power disconnections at Hola water supply station resulting into suffering of water consumers who are loyally paying their water bills to the water Company every month.

 Courtesy ; K. N. A

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