We're ready to appear before DCI, Sudi, Kositany say

Mar 30, 2023 - 07:47
We're ready to appear before DCI, Sudi, Kositany say
Collage image of Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi and Soy counterpart Caleb Kositany (r). |Photo| Courtesy|
By Joshua Cheloti Kapseret Member of Parliament Oscar Sudi and his Soy counterpart Caleb Kositany say they are ready to honor the summons to appear before the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) Rift Valley regional coordinator. The two alongside Uasin Gishu County Assembly Speaker David Kiplagat had been asked to appear before the DCI in Nakuru this morning at 9.00 am. DCI has said preliminary investigations indicate that the three planned and coordinated an attack on ODM Leader Raila Odinga’s helicopter in Kabenes, Soy Sub County on Friday. [caption id="attachment_16114" align="alignnone" width="810"]From Left: Soy MP Caleb Kositany, ODM Leader Raila Odinga, and Suna East MP Junet Mohamed at the burial of Mzee Jackson Kibor at his home in Kabenes, Soy Constituency, Uasin Gishu County, on Friday, April 1, 2022. |Courtesy| MP Caleb Kositany Twitter| From Left: Soy MP Caleb Kositany, ODM Leader Raila Odinga, and Suna East MP Junet Mohamed at the burial of Mzee Jackson Kibor at his home in Kabenes, Soy Constituency, Uasin Gishu County, on Friday, April 1, 2022. |Courtesy| MP Caleb Kositany Twitter|[/caption] In a media briefing in Eldoret, the two vocal legislators said they would be heading to Nakuru to record their statements. They however maintained that they had nothing to do with the incident that has been widely condemned. Sudi and Kositany also accused the DCI of using the incident to advance their political agenda against the allies of Deputy President William Ruto. “I’m ready. I will go to Nakuru. I will write that statement and whatever they want. I am a Kenyan and I know all these are mere politics,” Sudi told journalists in a press statement streamed live on his official Facebook page. “We have seen violence all over other places but nobody has been summoned why only this one?” he added. According to the MP, summons against the three leaders in Uasin Gishu is part of a scheme he said was being used by government operatives to provoke them. He however said the scheme will flop. Similar sentiments were shared by Kositany who called on the locals to remain calm and peaceful even as they head to Nakuru to appear before the DCI. “We’re ready to bear the brunt, and we want to call on locals to be cleverer than DCI which has been captured by politicians,” said the vocal MP eying the Uasin Gishu gubernatorial seat. “We’re heading to Nakuru to listen to their nonsense and whatever they want to do we’re ready for it. I and Sudi are as white as cotton,” he added. During the incident that happened as Raila was condoling with the family of Mzee Jackson Kibor who had just been laid to rest, a helicopter that had carried the ODM leader was pelted with stones, shattering a windscreen. Already at least 14 youths linked to the incident have been arrested even as police continue with the probe.

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