23-Year Old Earns Fortune Through Chapati Business

Nov 24, 2023 - 14:18
23-Year Old Earns Fortune Through Chapati Business
23-year old Nisha Jepkoech rolling and cooking chapatis at her Kiosk in Nandi Hills town. (Photo by Ruth Mainye).

Nandi Hills

Friday November 24, 2023

KNA by Ruth Mainye

Lack of employment is a challenge among the youth in the current financial dispensation resulting to a number of them being dependent on their parents or guardians.

Most youths after completing form four or even colleges expect white collar jobs, while shunning those in the informal sector that can be lucrative, but to Nisha Jepkoech this is not the case.

The 23-year-old lady ventured into chapati business after form four that earns her a living in her day to day life enabling her to cater for her basic needs as well as support her parents.

Speaking to KNA at her small Kiosk located at Nandi Hills town Jepkoech said that she resolved to go into the chapatti business after school as a way to avoid idleness as well as to avoid being dependent on her parents noting that ladies need some necessities that some parents might not be in a position to provide.

" Just like any other young lady I have a lot of needs, a reason why I work hard to earn a living rather than depend on my parents. With this business that has lasted for two years, I am able to provide all personal effects that a lady requires, pay Sh5000 rent as well as put food on the table," she observed.

Jepkoech who started with one 2kg packet of wheat flour a day says that as of now she manages to cook and sell a whole bundle per day making an interest of Sh 4500 per day. In addition to Chapatis she also sales tea and chips which tops up her interest to Sh 5500 per day.

She further noted that due to a high demand she has employed two ladies who assist her at the kiosk as well as to supply chapatis to her esteemed customers who want to be served at their place of work, markets and businesses.

"I have employed two ladies who assist me in my Kiosk whom I pay Sh 300 per day. They help me in supplying orders to my customers while am busy cooking. I know by the time they leave this place they will have acquired the skill of chapati cooking that I also learnt from my mother," she explained adding that cooking chapati is an easy skill that can be learnt through observation and practicing.

The hardworking lady whose dream is owning a big restaurant in future says she wakes up at 5:00am to ensure that by 6:00am chapatis are ready to serve the early morning customers and closes her chapati kiosk at 10:00pm every day except on Sundays which is her day of worship.

According to Jepkoech her customers range from people working at the offices, boda boda riders, business people, students among others.

Jepkoech noted that most youths end up in depression due to lack of white collar job opportunities yet they are able to create their own adding that there are a lot of businesses that require minimum capital and skills to start like chapatis, boiled eggs, roasting maize among others that youths ought to take advantage to be financially independent.

"With the current economic times youths should ventur into the informal sector as they look for good paying jobs. Youths, especially ladies should double their efforts to be independent," she advised.

Courtesy; KNA






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