Businessman dies after robbery in Siaya town

Aug 3, 2023 - 08:03
Businessman dies after robbery in Siaya town
Police Crime scene tape lines


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

KNA by Calvin Otieno

A youthful businessman died after sustaining injuries from a suspected robbery attack by two unidentified assailants in Siaya town on Tuesday around 7.30pm at a cyber cafe.

The victim, 20-year-old Felix Okoth Oyugi from Randago village in Alego Usonga Sub County was with two clients in his business premises, when they were ambushed by the two unidentified thugs.

Felix, who operated the cyber cafe that doubled up as a PlayStation video games joint was shot in the early evening incident and police are yet to identify the thugs or what their motive was, with some residents alluding to a robbery gone wrong, while others suspecting it might have been a targeted hit.

He was shot in the abdomen and was rushed to Siaya County referral hospital, but succumbed to the injury while undergoing treatment.

The murder incident that occurred at a busy location in Siaya town next to the County Referral Hospital has sent a wave of fear among the business operators and residents who patronize the businesses in the area, with police and other security enforcers being called upon to beef up security to curb a recent surge in crime involving guns within the county.

While addressing the matter on behalf of the OCPD Benedict Mwangangi, Siaya town Police station OCS, Wafula Lukorito noted that there have been cases of insecurity in the town by criminals who camouflage as bodaboda operators.

Lukorito said that investigations are underway to address the cause of the incident and identify the attackers who shot the businessman.

He also advised the bodaboda operators to collaborate in community policing by reporting suspect people who hide behind them (bodaboda operators) but have intentions of harming and stealing from the public.

"Always report to us whenever you see someone trying to operate as a bodaboda man while he is not registered at your stage,” Lukorito said.

"Any motorcycle without a number plate or a sticker from the stage he is registered in is deemed to be offensive," he added.

Collins Oyugi who is a brother to the deceased pleaded with the security agencies to carry out speedy investigations and ensure that justice is served for his late brother. 

"I want to urge the police to do thorough investigations so that my brother Felix gets justice," he said.

The two customers who were with Felix during the attack are reported to have been traumatized and one of them admitted at Siaya County referral hospital, while the deceased body was taken to mortuary in the same hospital facility.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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