Case mediation saves litigants billions

Jun 15, 2023 - 18:08
Case mediation saves litigants billions
Court Gavel

Embu, Thursday, June 15, 2023

KNA by Steve Gatheru

Litigants at the Embu Law Courts who agreed to have their cases referred to mediators saved Sh 1.9 billion due to the faster resolution of their cases since the programme started in 2019.

Resident Magistrate, Dorcas Endoo, who co-ordinates the Court Annexed Mediation Programme at the courts said litigants saved the money they would have spent on litigation costs and time saved that would otherwise have been wasted attending court.

Ms Endoo was speaking to the Media ahead of a Judiciary Open Day to be held at the Embu Moi Stadium tomorrow in which the public will be sensitised on the benefits of having their cases referred to mediators. Attorney General Justin Muturi will give the keynote address.

She said besides mediation being more pocket friendly to litigants, it has helped the courts reduce the backlog of cases. 

She said among the cases resolved were protracted land cases, some of which had taken years, and which were notorious for costing families a fortune.

Ms Endoo said mediation also had social benefits as it helped families and neighbours mend their relationships.

She added that mediation offers a faster and more flexible resolution of disputes.

Eastern Law Society of Kenya Chair Rose Migwi said the law fraternity supported the mediation process because it had not only helped to reduce the court’s backlog but because it facilitated the expedient resolution of disputes and dispensation of justice.

She added that they have seen happier clients since the programme began five years ago.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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