Co-operatives for sustainable development

Jul 3, 2023 - 17:06
Co-operatives for sustainable development
Patrick Kaguta Githendu the Chairman of Kiambu Ushirika Day Celebrations speaking at the Ushirika Day event held in Banana Town Karuri Primary.

Kiambu, Monday July 3, 2023

KNA by Elizabeth Wanja

Kiambu County over the weekend marked this Year’s Ushirika Day Celebrations at Banana town on the global theme” Co-operatives for sustainable Development”.

The Day is observed yearly by the cooperative movement where various Sacco’s are recognized and also members are able to exchange ideas, receive guidance, and learn from other Sacco’s.

Speaking to KNA during the Kiambu event, Patrick Kaguta Githendu, the Chairman of Kiambu Ushirika Day Celebrations explained that Sacco’s have done a lot of good work by giving out loans especially in the Education sector and this has uplifted the County and its people.

Saccos understand the County’s economy, the people's plight and need and most of them aim towards not leaving anyone behind on matters growth’, he said.

The Chairman added that people are moving from banks to Sacco’s because their terms of payment are affordable.

“If you have Sh10,000 from the bank, the bank will not recognize you, they will not give you a loan but if you have Sh10,000 from a Sacco you are liable to get a loan 3 times as much as your deposit while the payment interest is less and at a reducing balance”, said Kaguta

Kaguta further stated that Kiambu Sacco’s will make a significant milestone in the future since they have the support of the County Government.

On matters of tax, the chairman urged most members of saccos, especially the farmers, to increase their production saying there is no way they will avoid the government's taxation.

During the event, over 80 out of 433 saccos in different sectors and from the 7 sub counties that participated in the celebrations namely Githunguri, Kabete, Kikuyu, Lari, Limuru, Kiambu Township and Kiambaa received various awards.

In the Dairy Sector, Githunguri Dairy got awarded as best in value Addition/Innovation with a diverse product range.

In the rural Sacco sector K-unity got awarded as Highest Institutional capital/Total Assets with 24 percent under the Deposit Taking Super Large Category.

Dimkes DT Sacco were accorded for Best in Share Capital Mobilization while Ndumberi Coffee were accorded for the best managed.

Muguga Pyrethrum were awarded for the best in Diversification in lands, rentals, farming and dairy tea while the in-transport sector Walokana MPC got an award for the Highest Interest on Deposit by 8 percent.

John Wamai, Kamundu Sacco Chairman stated that the Sacco has 300 members and through the Sacco personally he has benefited as he has been able to educate his children and buy a piece of land.

“Other members have invested in real estate and businesses. We started in 2018 and now we have approximately Sh20 million in this Sacco”, he said.

The Kamundu Sacco was awarded in the Small Category Lowest Expense and Wamai called upon the government to involve saccos more in their programmes in order to grow. 

There are 655 registered active societies in various sectors in Kiambu County. In the rural Sacco categories, there is K-Unity Sacco, Tai Sacco, Ndeiya Sacco, Dimkes DT Sacco, and Kiambu Inua Maisha  

In the Diary sector there is the Githunguri Dairy, Kabete Dairy, Gikambura Dairy, Ndumberi Dairy and, Muguga dairy while the Transport Sector has Kaka Travellers, Likambu, Likana Travellers.

Coffee Sector has Ndumberi and Gititu Coffee while in the Pyrethrum Sector there is Limuru and Muguga Pyrethrum.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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