County government redraw its uji programme

May 18, 2023 - 15:34
County government redraw its uji programme
ECDE learners in Murang’a taking porridge provided by the county administration. The porridge for more than 42,000 ECDE learners is being prepared in centralized areas then distributed to 650 ECDE centres using motorcycles. However the governor wants to change this mode by decentralizing the preparation of the uji.

Murang’a, Thursday, May 18, 2023

KNA by Bernard Munyao


Murang’a county government is working out on strategies to change mode of implementing the uji programme for ECDE children

Governor Irungu Kang’ata has said following complaints from parents on the current method of implementing the programme, his administration is currently piloting other ways which will see the porridge be prepared at every ECDE centre.

Currently, the porridge for more than 42,000 ECDE learners is being prepared in centralized areas then distributed to 650 ECDE centres using motorcycles.

A section of parents and other stakeholders had protested the ways in which the programme is being implemented saying transporting the uji using motorcycles compromises health safety of the porridge.

The county government implemented the programme early this year, where the porridge is prepared in selected 56 venues drown from the wards then be distributed to the ECDE centres.

Some ECDE teachers who spoke to KNA and sought anonymity said some days they receive less porridge, causing some learners to miss.

On Tuesday, Kang’ata speaking in Muthithi area of Kigumo Sub County said there are plans to change from preparing the uji in a centralized venue, to ensure each of the 650 ECDE centres have its own kitchen.

He noted that they are currently doing piloting in some wards and if it's success, they will adopt the mode of preparing the uji at the ECDE centres.

“We are doing a study in various wards and if the programme becomes successful it will be rolled out in all the local ECDE centres,” observed that governor.

In the supplementary budget passed towards the end of last year, the county government allocated Sh. 20 million for implementation of the programme.

Kang’ata further said his administration is committed to revamp early education in the county saying the sector was neglected and learners used to study in an unconducive environment.

Every ward, he added, has been allocated Sh. 8 million to spearhead some community projects, saying among them is refurbishing ECDE centres.

Some MCAs who accompanied the governor lauded the initiative to create community projects kitty, as it has helped in the transformation of the villages.

They said they were refurbishing nursery schools in their wards, making them attractive and decent for use by the young children.

Kahumbu MCA Isaac Njoroge Chefman observed that the ECDE programmes have led to increase of enrolment of children in ECDE centres saying in the past some centres were closed down forcing the young learners to trek for long distance.

Meanwhile the MCA called for concerned efforts to eradicate illicit brews and curb excessive alcoholism saying the vice has affected productivity among young people.

“Young men have indulged themselves in alcoholism which has reduced them to zombies. Unfortunately some of these men don’t have families and spend all they earn on cheap liquor. As leaders we need to work out the best ways to fight this vice in the region,” he added.

Courtesy; K.N.A

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