Murang’a dairy farmers welcome directive to run a milk processing factory

Sep 10, 2023 - 14:08
Murang’a dairy farmers welcome directive to run a milk processing factory
Murang’a CEC for Trade and Cooperative Kimani Mugo leading a public participation exercise.


Sunday, September 10, 2023

KNA by Bernard Munyao

Majority of dairy farmers in Murang’a have welcomed a decision by the county government to transfer management of a milk factory to the Murang’a Cooperative Creameries Union (MCCU).

During public participation forums held in various areas on Friday, farmers expressed hopes that the MCCU will successfully and effectively revive the facility which was closed in mid last year.

The milk factory was closed by the current regime due to accrued pending bills that led the facility to operate at a loss.

Farmers led by their cooperative leaders said they have capacity to run the factory and ensure their milk fetches more returns after value addition.

The milk factory located in Maragua was established during former Governor Mwangi wa Iria’s regime in 2017 and has capacity to process thousands of litres of milk on a daily basis.

After Irungu Kang’ata ascended to power, his administration closed operation of the factory on grounds that it was operating at a loss and the factory had pending bills amounting to about Sh. 400 million.

In 2019, the factory started to accumulate losses occasioned by unpaid transporters, farmers’ milk and suppliers’ debts.

On August 9 this year, the county executive in a meeting resolved to revive the factory by transferring management of the facility to MCCU.

The devolved government states the main reason to transfer the factory to MCCU was that the entity was originally by the county government and thus the MCCU is fully owned by Murang’a milk farmers.

During the public participation, the county executive member for Cooperatives and Trade Kimani Mugo said MCCU is stable and solvent and its management is different from the county government.

He observed that MCCU has more than 10, 000 dairy farmers thus making the union the largest milk aggregator in the county.

Mugo said the county government has set aside Sh. 40 million towards revival of the factory saying the facility has more assets than liabilities.

“We look forward to the successful revival of the factory so that our dairy farmers can earn more income after their milk undergoes value addition,” said Mugo during a public participation held at Kariguini area.

He noted the revival of the factory, will be a big boost to farmers who already are receiving subsidies for milk delivered to their cooperative societies.

At the beginning of this year, Kang’ata’s administration established a Sh. 3.5 for every litre of milk delivered to dairy cooperative societies registered by the county government.

Mugo called farmers to register with cooperatives saying it’s the only way for them to benefit with the subsidy programme.

Kamahuha MCA James Karanja and who is also chairperson of the county assembly’s committee for trade and cooperatives lauded the move to have the factory be managed and run by the MCCU.

He said currently in Murang’a there are about 4, 400 active dairy farmers saying once the factory is revived, farmers will be ready to market for their milk.

“The county assembly has given the nod to have the milk factory transferred to MCCU and agreed to offer Sh. 40 million for the revival of the factory. We hope this will be a big boost to dairy farming in the county,” he added.

Chairman of Kamahuha Dairy Cooperative Society Mr. Fredrick Njuguna assured that as farmers, they have the capacity to run the factory.

Njuguna said what can hinder the smooth operation of the factory is a shortage of milk calling farmers to invest in the dairy sector so as to ensure the factory gets the required quantity of milk to process.

“The ball is in our court farmers. Since the factory needs large amounts of milk on a daily basis. I appeal to farmers to invest in their dairy farming to increase milk production which will see the facility operate smoothly,” noted the chairman.

The public participation forums were conducted at Murang’a town and Kariguini in Murang’a south sub-county.

Courtesy; KNA

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