CS rolls out indigenous knowledge documentation and digitization project in Makueni County

May 29, 2023 - 07:41
CS rolls out indigenous knowledge documentation and digitization project in Makueni County
CS Penina Malonza speaking outside the governor's office on Friday during the launch of the IK-DODI project

Makueni Sunday May 28, 2023

KNA by Patrick Nyakundi/Tabitha Mwangi/Faith Mwende

The Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage has rolled out an indigenous knowledge Documentation and Digitisation (IK DoDi) project that aims at collecting and protecting traditional knowledge and cultural assets for the Kamba community.

Cabinet Secretary (CS) Penina Malonza said that the project is part of the government's effort to protect traditional knowledge and cultural expressions of all communities in the Kenya.

Malonza was speaking in Makueni on Friday when she officially launched the project that will establish an indigenous knowledge innovation bank which will allow lawful access to the communities’ traditional knowledge and all assets through creativity and innovation to generate income and improve livelihoods.

"The DoDi project is being implemented by my Ministry in partnership with different stakeholders including state agencies, county governments and Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs)," said Malonza when she spoke outside Makueni Governor's office.

"By providing legal certainty and clarity, the innovation bank platform will also prevent bio piracy of our assets," said Malonza.

Further she disclosed that the project is being implemented in line with the International commitment and conventions such as Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), United Nation Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Nagoya Protocol to mention a few.

She disclosed that the Constitution of Kenya 2010 recognizes culture as the foundation of a Nation and obligates any one accessing and utilizing its cultural heritage and intellectual assets to fairly and equitably share resultant benefits including technologies.

"The access should be through a consultative and transparent process between the owners and users of the resources or knowledge under a legally binding contract and mutually agreed terms," she added.

The CS also revealed that some of the areas to be documented include Mulata Legendary Rock together with Nzaui hills and the story of Akamba origin, Ngokomi as the last site of battle with the Maasai and Chyulu hills and its scenic beauty including the Kisyula caves.

"Heritage sites will provide unique opportunity to develop a tourism circuitry with clear potential to extend to neighbouring counties," she said.

Makueni is among the 13 counties ear marked to roll out the project in phase I whereby Makueni is the fourth county after Murang'a, Narok and Kisii that have already initiated the programme in their respective jurisdiction.

Other counties in phase I are Tharaka Nithi Nithi, Kilifi, Kakamega, Vihiga, Siaya, Garissa, Marsabit and Turkana.

Malonza observed that indigenous knowledge and intellectual assets are low-hanging fruits awaiting minimal harnessing to gain entry into the market place.

Consequently, she appealed to the community leadership through the Council of Elders to spread the information to all the people in the Lower Eastern Region that comprises of Kitui, Machakos and Makueni.

"As you are aware, culture is largely devolved and the counties are expected to continue with documentation and digitization of their Indigenous knowledge intellectual assets for posterity,” Malonza said.

During the event, the IPLCs through their council of elders signed a MoU with the county government of Makueni before again signing with the National Museum of Kenya. The CS also signed an MOU with the county government.

The National Museums made a donation of cameras, tablets and a desk top repository computer that will store all the data that will be collected in the county.

The National Museum of Kenya has trained 250 youths on how to use the ICT equipment whereby they are expected to collect the data required as from Monday May 29,2023.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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