DCC calls for 100 percent transition to secondary school

Jan 19, 2024 - 11:16
DCC calls for 100 percent transition to secondary school
form one students at Maua Girls Secondary school in Igembe South sub-county during admission.


Friday, January 19, 2024,

KNA by Kamanja Maeria

The Igembe South Deputy County Commissioner Noah Kibet has called upon the parents of learners who completed their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education 2023 to enrol their children in secondary school to ensure 100 per cent transition policy.

Speaking to KNA the Sub-County boss gave stern warning to parents who will defy the policy of ensuring all learners enrol and complete secondary school education noting that it was the last cohort under 8-4-4 system of education.

He further tasked the nyumba kumi initiative to ensure that school-going children especially boys are not engaged in any miraa activities and bodaboda operations.

  “Those children who will be caught in miraa plucking or engaging in motorcycle riding will be handed over to police,” DCC warned.

Kibet added that there is a need for cooperation among local authorities, head teachers and parents for the region to successfully acquire 100 percent transition from Primary to Secondary.

Courtesy; KNA 




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