Eight in Ogembo court for assaulting healthcare workers

May 23, 2023 - 12:27
Eight in Ogembo court for assaulting healthcare workers
Eight suspects arraigned in Ogembo law courts on 22nd May 2023, in connection with an attack on healthcare workers at Nduru Level 4 Hospital in Nyamarambe Sub-County, Kisii.

Gucha, Tuesday May 22, 2023

KNA by Misheba Alfred


Eight people were yesterday arraigned in Ogembo law courts in connection with an attack on healthcare workers at Nduru Level 4 Hospital in Nyamarambe Sub-County, Kisii County.

The shocking incident occurred on April 12, 2023, when the healthcare workers were ambushed by a rowdy mob while attempting to transfer unused medical equipment to other facilities facing shortages.

The accused are facing charges of causing a riot, public disorder, assault, theft and vandalism. 

During the attack, the mob allegedly unleashed violence upon the healthcare workers and local residents.

During the melee, several individuals were beaten and injured, while public property was stolen, including mobile phones and cash amounting to over Sh55,000.

Additionally, county property, such as a motorbike and an office door were vandalized. The incident caused significant disruption to the hospital's operations and put the lives of healthcare workers at risk. 

Senior Principal Magistrate Paul Biwott presided over the arraignment and set the hearing date for July 4th, 2023.

The accused were granted release on a bond of Sh100, 000 each, along with a cash bail requirement of Sh20, 000.

The case is scheduled to resume on June 5th for a mention, during which preliminary matters and updates related to the proceedings will be discussed. 

The attack on healthcare workers has sparked concerns about the safety and security of medical personnel within the region with the incident bringing to the fore the urgent need for enhanced measures to protect healthcare workers, who tirelessly provide essential services to the community, particularly in times of crisis and resource shortages.

Moving forward, the prosecution will present its case during the hearing on July 4th, seeking justice for the victims and holding the accused accountable for their alleged actions.

The court proceedings will provide a platform to examine the details of the incident and determine appropriate legal consequences for the accused individuals involved in the attack. 

The authorities have vowed to ensure that justice is served and that those responsible for the attack are held accountable for their actions.

The case will continue to be closely monitored as it progresses through the legal system. The healthcare workers affected by the incident, as well as the local community, await the trial with hope for a just outcome.

Courtesy; K.N.A

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