Embu Leaders decry Exclusion in Equalization Fund

Sep 11, 2023 - 16:29
Embu Leaders decry Exclusion in Equalization Fund
Embu County Governor Cecily Mbarire. Photo/ Cecily Mbarire/Facebook.


Monday, September 11, 2023 

KNA by Samuel Waititu

Leaders in Embu County have protested over what they said was discrimination after missing out on the Sh13.89 billion Equalization Fund for the marginalized Counties.

They said it was unfair for the county to be locked out yet more than half of it was classified as semi-arid and starved in terms of development.

Led by Governor Cecily Mbarire, the leaders argued that Embu was even more deserving than some of the Counties picked to benefit from the funds.

Mbarire said some of the areas such as Mbeere North and South Constituencies were lagging behind in terms of development for lack of basic amenities such as water, hospitals, roads, and electricity, the more reason why the county needed to be considered as a beneficiary of the fund. 

Speaking during a thanksgiving ceremony for Mwea Ward MCA Job Itumo at AIC Kwa Munyambu Sunday, the Governor said they had raised the matter with the Commission of Revenue Allocation to express their displeasure.

“We know very well Mbeere South and North deserve Equalization Fund and we will not rest until we get that money,” she said.

The governor also lauded Senator Alexander Mundigi for standing tall in defense of the county by declining to vote for the Bill.

 Mundigi said his conscience was clear that he could not back the bill that was discriminating against the county whose parts were marginalized and required the same funds to ensure equity in development.

“There are areas in Mwea, Makima, Kiambere, Evurore, Ndhawa, and Muminji Wards where there is no water, schools, or electricity that are some of the considerations for prequalification,” said the Senator.

Mbeere South MP Eng. Nebart Muriuki said his area had historically been sidelined in terms of development and such funds were necessary to bring them at par with other developed constituencies in the county.

He regretted that for the last four decades, the development of the tarmac road was less than six kilometers, while many households were not connected with electricity despite the area being home to the majority of the Seven Forks Dams.

Similar sentiments were echoed by Mwea and Makima Wards MCAs Job Itumo and Philip Nzangi respectively, who pushed for a review of selection criteria to ensure deserving areas were not left out.

“We wonder why Embu has never been considered for the Equalization Fund, yet three-quarters of our county is semi-arid,” said Nzangi.

Courtesy; KNA




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