Government Raises Alarm Over Prevalence of Fake Pesticides

Dec 13, 2023 - 18:07
Government Raises Alarm Over Prevalence of Fake Pesticides


Wednesday December 13 2023,

KNA by Samuel Waititu

The government has raised concerns about the widespread use of fake miraa and muguka chemicals in the Embu, Meru, and Kirinyaga counties, where cash crops are primarily grown.

Embu County Commissioner (CC) Jack Obuo said according to the Pest Control Products Board, the market in the said areas was flooded with uncertified chemicals that could portend harm to users of the products.

Speaking during Jamhuri day celebrations in Siakago Town, Obuo warned farmers against using unknown pesticides, citing the risk of harmful toxins to end users.

However, he said measures have been put in place to educate farmers on safe pesticides use and ecological and health risks associated with their usage early next year.

The manufacture and sale of counterfeit liquor are still prevalent in certain parts of the county, particularly in Mbeere South and North Sub-counties.

Obuo announced a crackdown on illegal manufacturing plants and outlets in the county, warning of severe legal consequences for those involved.

The CC urged liquor consumers to be cautious about their alcohol consumption to prevent taking poison.

On his part, the Deputy Governor Kinyua Mugo announced plans to close all bars in villages to curb excessive alcohol consumption.

 He advised those intending to continue their business to seek premises in larger towns.

Courtesy; KNA 


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