Parents tipped on morals to stem the spread of HIV

Dec 13, 2023 - 18:16
Parents tipped on morals to stem the spread of HIV
Marsabit County Commissioner Nobert Komora. He has cautioned over rise of new HIV/Aids infections especially among the youth.


Wednesday December 13, 2023

KNA by Sebastian Miriti

The government is concerned about an upsurge of HIV/Aids infections despite concerted efforts to bring the scourge under control, Marsabit county commissioner Nobert Komora has warned.

At the same time, the reinstatement of the Kenya police reservists (KPR) in the county was under consideration with the Morans being asked to steer clear of crime.

Mr Komora said in Loglogo township in Laisamis constituency during this year's Jamhuri day celebrations that statistics at medical facilities not only in Marsabit county but across the country had shown an increase in new HIV/ AIDS infections, especially among the youth.

The county commissioner called on parents to take a more active role in advising their children against engaging in premature sexual activities as research has revealed a high rate of infection among teenagers of the 15-19-year bracket.

He said that teenage pregnancies were also on the rise and cautioned men against going for teenage girls whom they perceive to be healthy and not infected with the virus.

Mr Komora reminded that female genital mutilation (FGM) was illegal and asked parents against forcing their female children to undergo the rite as those caught would be punished.

On security, the county commissioner told the congregation which included Marsabit Governor Mohamed Ali and Laisamis MP Joseph Lekuton that plans were being finalized to reconstitute KPR to boost security in the county.

He however cautioned that the plan might faulter if local Morans would continue to engage in banditry activities, especially livestock theft.

The county commissioner cited a recent incident at Merti area of neighbouring county of Isiolo where 4 Morans were killed as they staged a livestock raid.

"As government we do not entertain such acts because it is a signal that government firearms could be misused if issued to people who still believe in armed raids for livestock" he observed and warned that continued engagement by youths in crime could jeopardize the planned recruitment of KPR.

Mr Komora hailed the good relations between the two levels of government in the county which he noted has greatly enabled in the restoration of peace.

Governor Ali called on the security organs not to relent on the fight against banditry saying the restored peace and harmony must be jealously guarded.

The governor said his administration would continue to foster diversity in order to ensure that residents of Marsabit continue to benefit for the fruits of devolution.

He said that devolution has spurred growth across the country in terms of infrastructural development, service delivery and transformed the socio-economic well-being of the people.

He noted that challenges continue to bedevil the nation 60 years after independent as the country was yet to achieve a robust, inclusive and equal opportunity economy which however could be more effectively addressed if devolution is well managed.

The governor underscored the need for result oriented efforts on climate change mitigations so as to make communities resilient and food secure.

He pointed out that persistent droughts have reduced pastureland in Marsabit county by 800,000 hectares from 2.8 million hectares in the past four decades.

Courtesy; KNA 


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