Empowering Youth for Financial Independence

Jan 13, 2024 - 13:24
Empowering Youth for Financial Independence
The photo caption of graduands at Maua stadium during their graduation.


Saturday January 13, 2024 2024

KNA by Kamanja Maria and Miriam Wambui

In the bustling town of Maua, nestled in the heart of Igembe South, a beacon of hope and empowerment shines bright.

Zoe, an organization dedicated to transforming the lives of young people, has been making waves with its innovative three-year program to equip youths with technical skills to improve their employability in both the private and public sectors.

Through their comprehensive curriculum that encompasses skills such as mechanics, hairdressing and beauty entrepreneurship, and financial literacy, Zoe has equipped 800 youths within Meru and Tharaka Nithi county with trade tools needed to thrive in the ever-changing landscape of the job market.

Among the tools that benefited were salon kits, tailoring machines, and farming tools among others.

"Today, we delve into the inspiring success stories of the program’s graduates and explore how their acquired skills are paving the way for financial independence." Said the Zoe coordinator Rigan Kaberia.

According to the coordinator of the organization Throughout the three-year program, the beneficiaries of Zoe organization have undergone a transformative journey of empowerment that will bridge the gap for technical skills in the country.

He added that the program is majorly geared towards helping youths from very humble backgrounds and orphans. One of the key aspects of Zoe’s program is the emphasis on building networks and support systems said Kaberia.

He added that these networks provide ongoing guidance and opportunities for further growth. The success stories emerging from Zoe organization are a testament to the power of empowerment and education.

Courtesy; KNA

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