Families seek justice for their loved ones

Jul 19, 2023 - 15:20
Families seek justice for their loved ones
Photograph of one of the deceased, Eunice Ntidai.


Wednesday July 19, 2023

KNA By John Kaleke

Two families from Ntulele area in Narok East sub county are crying for justice after their loved ones were killed and bodies dumped at Kedong ranch near Satellite area at the border of Narok and Nakuru counties by unknown people.

While attending the burial of one of the deceased, Eunice Ntidai at their home, local leaders threatened to hold demonstrations within Ntulele center if the government fail to arrest the murderers.

Narok County Assembly Nominated MCA Christine Lemein termed the incidents very painful and urged the government to bring the killers to book.

Another nominated MCA Caroline Nangeya claimed that the two women victims were abducted and murdered by conmen who lured them via phone. “Conmen nowadays are lying through phone calls and then abduct and kill people. This has led to the killing of the two women who were the breadwinners for their families,” alleged Nangeya.

Nangeya, however, noted that in Maasai culture women unlike men do not carry any weapon to protect themselves and challenged the government to speed up investigations.

Similar sentiments were echoed by Ildamat Ward MCA Elijah Kuting’ala who noted the two women were successful traders who fend for their families. “It is painful that they are no more. We urge the security team to ensure justice is served to the two families,” said Kuting’ala.

He challenged traffic police officers to be vigilant on the roads lamenting people were being abducted and killed while in their businesses activities and their bodies transported on the same roads despite the many traffic police officers stationed at various points.

A local politician Newton Mpaima also condemned the two murders stressing that justice must prevail failure to which they will lead demonstrations to pressure the government to accord the families of the two families justice.

 Courtesy KNA

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