Family request for cleansing after their ‘deceased’ son resurfaced

Jun 16, 2023 - 22:38
Family request for cleansing after their ‘deceased’ son resurfaced
A police truck

Nyamira, Friday, June, 16, 2023

KNA by: Deborah Bochere

A family in Nyamira is appealing for religious cleansing after their son whom they thought had died resurfaced six months after they had buried a body they believed to have been of their “dead son”.

Ms. Elizabeth Kwamboka, Mother to resurfaced son is in fear that evil spirits have encroached her home for she is still bewildered and in disbelief that his son who was presumed dead and buried on 18th December last year resurfaced this year on May 30th.

“While I was home on 30th May undertaking my routine home chores, I saw a visitor come from the gate looking exactly like my long dead and buried son Sagini. I was thrown into utter confusion and shock, torn between welcoming him and running away for it could be ‘his dead spirit’ that had come back.” Elizabeth explained.

“I ran while screaming to call other family members and neighbours who responded immediately. Sagini surprisingly explained himself and where he had been all that while and had simply decided to come home.. Our village elder, Andrew Obiero heard of the news and came to acknowledge this miracle. He advised us that the police and other relevant government administrators had to be involved in this matter.” said Elizabeth.

Nyamira Sub County Police commander, Moses Kirong said the matter was brought to his attention by the area chief, Nyamoko Philip, and they commenced investigations.

“When we presented our report to court after preliminary investigations, it issued an exhumation order. The exhumation of the unknown body was done yesterday under the witness of the public health officer, medical officer, criminal and crime scene investigation officers, area Chief and family members who identified the grave.” The police commander confirmed.

“Elizabeth revealed that when a suspected thief was burnt to death by an irate mob in Gucha area in Nyamira County in December last year, her son Samuel called her, she was in Kitale then, and informed her that his younger brother had been lynched.” she narrated to KNA.

“I inquired how he managed to identify his body, for it was severely scalded, Samuel assured me that he saw that his feet and toes which were never scarred looked exactly like those of his brother. We fast-tracked the matter and the police granted us permission to make burial arrangements which we did and “gave my son a befitting send-off” on 18th of December 2022.” Elizabeth recounted.

She revealed that her son, Mecha Sagini, had not been home for a very long time and they had lost touch of his whereabouts and communication between him and family had ceased for over a year. They just believed their son’s information and started the burial arrangement of what turned out to be a mistakenly identified body.  

The exhumed body of the now unknown person was taken to Kinara hospital mortuary in Nyamira for postmortem and proper identification.

This incident has traumatized especially the mother of Sagini who is appealing to religious leaders and community elders to help exorcise evil spirits which have encroached her home and curse the death spirits from his son who they ‘buried’ mistakenly.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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