Fig Tree School excels in Mathematics

Oct 26, 2023 - 17:46
Fig Tree School excels in Mathematics
Tree Academy students and their teacher displaying to parents how Chess game is played during their end of year closing ceremony.


Thursday, October 26, 2023,

KNA by Kibe Mburu/ James Kipees

Fig Tree Academy in Kericho town is among the few schools in the region that have gradually recorded a tremendous improvement in Mathematics subject in the recent past due to a positive mindset by the students towards the subject.

The school management introduced hands-on education programs that use various gaming activities to solve mathematical problems.

Speaking during the end of year closing ceremony, Fig Tree Academy Director Ndungu Muiruri expressed his joy following a progressive good performance by the students in Mathematics since the school embraced hands-on education in 2021.

According to Muiruri, hands-on education which engages the learners’ minds in solving simple to complex mathematical problems using games such as Rubik’s Cube, Abacus, Chess, scrabble and cups taking has played a major role in inculcating a positive attitude and mindset towards mathematics.

The School’s Director said before the introduction of the mathematical games in the years 2018, 2019, and 2020 the school’s mathematics mean score was 58, 62 and 64.4 per cent respectively, but after introduction of the games in 2021, the school’s mathematics mean score tremendously improved to 73 per cent.

“And in 2022, the school recorded a mean score of 76.5 percent in Mathematics which is an improvement that I can confidently attribute this to the positive attitude and mindset we have developed within our students by making the subject fun using the various games such as Rubik’s cube, Abacus, Chess, scrabble and Cups taking,” added Mr. Muiruri. 

He further revealed that all Fig Tree Academy students from grade 1 to Junior Secondary benefit from one hands-on lesson per week and has boosted their concentration, observation, memory analytical ability, visualization, imagination, attention span and focus.

“The challenge is that we only have one teacher for the program but we are doing our best to ensure other teachers are trained in order to reduce the work load, since we also utilize Saturdays and school holiday seasons to engage the students in the mathematical games,” said Mr. Muiruri.

He said Abacus learning contributed significantly in improvement of arithmetic skills and number fluency which has developed an interest and passion in Mathematics for students as their confidence and understanding grows from an early age. 

The director explained that counting numbers with fingers and hands was the method used before the application of sticks and stones, later beads (the abacus) was invented for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and counting decimal points and negative numbers.

“Abacus programs promote stress-free way of learning Maths concepts which build confidence as it not only focusses on getting the correct answer but also helps with logical reasoning,” said Mr. Muiruri.

He stressed that the other games such as chess and scrabble also enhanced students’ social skills, cognitive skills such as mathematics, logic, strategic thinking, creativity and retentive memory and urged other schools to adopt the use of these games.

Betty Muhia, parent to a grade 7 student at Fig Tree Academy confirmed that indeed the games have enhanced her child’s memory, creativity and academics. 

The Last Mile Cubing Organization Founder Samuel Kamau who has played an instrumental role in introducing the hands-on education to schools in the county, recently engaged students from Fig Tree Academy in creating spectacular portraits of President Dr. William Ruto and his Deputy Mr. Rigathi Gachagua using Rubik’s cubes.

“In the next 3 years I am determined to facilitate training of over 5 million Kenyans mostly students in solving the Rubik’s cube puzzle, so far I have managed to introduce the Rubik’s cube education to over 20 educational institutions, and instructing over 5000 students who have greatly benefitted,” said Kamau.

The cubing guru said he seeks to raise at least 5 million shillings through Africa Crowd Funding platform to facilitate the ambitious project which is set to benefit millions of students countrywide and create a positive attitude towards maths subject through solving simple and complex mathematical problems using games.

He said part of his plan is to train more teachers who will eventually train students in their schools.

"The best teaching method is practical through games, and that is why I urge the government to consider these games to be part of the Competency Based Curriculum," added Kamau.

Courtesy; KNA

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