Garissa Intergrated Socio - Economic development plan Launched

Sep 28, 2023 - 21:28
Garissa Intergrated Socio - Economic development plan Launched
Stakeholders led by Garissa County Governor Nathif Jama during the official launch of the Garissa Intergrated Socio - Economic development plan on Thursday, 28 September, 2023.


Thursday, 28 September 2023 

McCreadie Andias 

The County government of Garissa In partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR) have today Launched the Intergrated Socio - Economic development program (GISEDP) phase I. 

The event was graced by Government officials, UN agencies, humanitarian partners and members of civil society joined for the special launch event.  

GISEDP is an innovative sustainable development model which will ensure refugees and their host communities benefit from national and local level services such as education and healthcare, water, sanitation, improvement of roads and infrastructure as well as increased socio-economic opportunities, all anchored in building the skills and increasing the capacity of refugees and the host community. 

Furthermore, the development plan will focus on reducing legal, regulatory and administrative obstacles to business development and refugee economic inclusion, as well as enhancing sustainable management of environment and natural resources to boost agriculture.

It will foster the creation of sustainable energy solutions and strengthening management and administration in the health sector.

Presiding over the event was Garissa County Governor, H.E. Nathif Jama. “We believe GISEDP will address numerous challenges that has been affecting, not only the refugees but most importantly, the host community. Let’s come together and make it”. Jama mentioned 

The UNHCR hailed the move as pivotal in facilitating the integration of refugees with the host Community and refugee integration in local Services terming it as a 'pioneering approach' 

"UNHCR supports the The County Government of Garissa with the offical launch of the Garissa Integrated Socio-Economic Development Program (GISEDP) phase 1." UNHCR Kenya said in a Facebook statement. 

"This is a positive step forward from the Government which could benefit more than 364,000 refugees and asylum seekers in Dadaab refugee camps AND more than 397,000 members of the host community.

Kenya has been generously hosting refugees for more than three decades and this is a pioneering approach. "The UNHCR added. 

The Garissa County has been hosting refugees for more than three decades. GISEDP plans to integrate the 364,000 refugees and asylum seekers (including more than 90,000 who are pending registration) into the host community of Garissa by providing adequate access to land, urban services, and housing and infrastructure. 

It will also promote the economic growth of Dadaab, Fafi and by extension Lagdera constituencies through alternative sustainable livelihoods and increased financial access to around 400,000 residents.

“We applaud the Garissa County Government. This is the latest step in refugee inclusion in Kenya and marks a strategic shift from humanitarian assistance toward sustainable solutions.” said Ms. Caroline van Buren, UNHCR Country Representative for Kenya.

This is an integral part of the Government of Kenya’s Shirika Plan, which aims at empowering refugees and host communities and transforming camps into socioeconomic hubs. The Shirika Plan will be officially launched at the Global Refugee Forum in December 2023.

In 2019,The European Union (EU) had made an initial pledge of Ksh.566 million (€5 million) towards the Garissa Integrated Socio-Economic Development Plan (GISEDP),

The funding was set aside for enhancing and creating technical vocational training opportunities for 1200 youth in Garissa County.

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