Government imposes Ban on Wheat and Maize imports

Oct 5, 2023 - 18:38
Government imposes Ban on Wheat and Maize imports
President William Ruto speaking during a meeting with a delegation from Narok North Constituency and country officials from Narok and Samburu on Thursday, 5 October, 2023 at State House Nairobi.


Thursday, 5 October, 2023 

McCreadie Andias 

It is now official that no Permits will be issued to Millers to import Maize or wheat into the country. 

This is after the Government has imposed a ban on the importation of these products to allow farmers to market their products locally without competing with the International market. 

President William Ruto while speaking at State House during a meeting with a delegation from Narok North Constituency led by its MP Agnes Pareyio, said that the move is aimed at protecting local farmers.

Also in the meeting were Governors Patrick Ole Ntutu (Narok) and Jonathan Leleliit (Samburu), Narok West MP Gabriel Tongoyo, MCAs and grassroots leaders.

The Head of state said the government will only opt for imports of the product if the county faces a deficit of the produce locally. 

He further added that the government will set aside Ksh 4 billion to purchase maize from local farmers a move that will help to stabilize the prices of the product which has been skyrocketing in the previous months. 

The president further urged farmers not to sell their produce at a throw-away price 

“We ask our farmers not to sell their produce at throw-away prices.” Ruto said. 

Ruto added that farmers will be able to dry their maize using NCPB driers at only Ksh 50 from Ksh 400 a bag which will help to reduce losses incurred due to maize spoilage by high moisture and also help farmers store and preserve their maize harvest at a cheaper price. 

“Even if farmers don’t want to sell their maize to NCPB, they will have an opportunity to dry their produce at the State agency and store it,” he explained.

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