Government launches fishing engine boats to the coastal counties

May 18, 2023 - 18:45
Government launches fishing engine boats to the coastal counties
European Union Representative and Governors from the Coastal Counties under the Jumuiya Ya Kaunti Za Pwani, signing the Act of donation during the launch of fishing boats for various Beach Management Units in Nyali Beach Hotel, Mombasa.

Mombasa, Thursday, May 18, 2023

KNA by Fatma Said

The state has partnered with the European Union and launched 26 engine fishing boats to the Coastal counties to advance the Blue Economy agenda through Coastal Development.

The provision of the boats has been received as a boost in economy and livelihood for fishermen and locals along the coastal counties.

Innovative Security App, The Light Coastal App- Usalama Baharini – Kenya, developed by the Kenya Coast Guard Service in collaboration with Expertise France and CRIMARIO Project was also launched to ease the exchange of information and coordination at regional level.

The smartphone application will enable fishers to report suspicious activities at sea to relevant maritime security agencies.

This project unlocks the potential of land-sea opportunities in Coastal Urban Centers for sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

This will result in creation of employment while conserving and sustainably using the coastal and marine environment as well as promoting effective and integrated maritime governance.

Speaking at the signing of the Act of Donation of the fully equipped fishing boats delivered to the Beach Management Units of Mtwapa and Uyombo (Kilifi County), Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs Cabinet Secretary Salim Mvurya, expressed his gratitude to the Deputy President, Rigathi Gachagua who graced the event to launch the 26 engine boats.

Mvurya said that the visit from European Union Ambassadors will help transit the Go Blue Project.

“Within our National Blue Economy strategy, we should be able to find space to bring more private sectors into the Blue Economy in the near future,” Mvurya said.

He affirmed that the EU has committed to support the fine-tuning of the National Blue Economy strategy.

“As a Ministry, we are committed to ensure we provide support and create an enabling environment so that the blue economy sector can succeed,” Mvurya said.

“The Finance Bill that is before the parliament now is very enabling for fishermen because there is importation duty for fish which will inspire local production and investments in fisheries," Mvurya said.

Mombasa County Governor, Abdulswamd Shariff Nassir said that six Beach Management Units have been converted into Cooperatives and soon ten more will be converted.

“As a County Government we have already allocated Sh. 100 million that will be put in the cooperatives,” Nassir said.

Nassir also requested the Government to develop an open sky policy at the coast to boost tourism.

Kilifi County Governor, Gideon Mung’aro said that the 26 engine boats are a great boost to the fishermen and the region.

Mung’aro urged the fishermen and the BMUs to take good care of the boats as he assured them that he will ensure small scale fishing is supported. 

Lamu Governor who is also the COG Chairman for Blue Economy, Issa Timamy said that through the project, the exploitation of the blue economy has grown.

Timamy said that his administration is turning its focus on the Blue Economy Sector and the donations are meant to turn around the fortunes of traditional fishing folk in the Coastal County.

Timamy said that the fishing gears to be donated will empower the fishermen to exploit the rich in our territorial waters.

“As chair of the Blue economy, I applaud the efforts by the EU and the National government for their commitment to the Go- blue project and I am hopeful that the fisher folk will appreciate the untapped potential in our waters.

Courtesy; K.N.A

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