Governor assures residents of public participation in sale of Nzoia Sugar Company

Jan 28, 2024 - 15:25
Governor assures residents of public participation in sale of Nzoia Sugar Company
Bungoma County governor Kenneth Lusaka being welcomed by MP John Makali at a funeral of Andrew Wataka in Muyayi village the governor assured residents that Nzoia Sugar will not be sold without public participation Wataka was former teacher at Kibabii Boys High School, in Muyayi village, Kanduyi constituency.

Mt Elgon,

Sunday, January 28, 2024

KNA by Douglas Mudambo

Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka has assured residents that Nzoia Sugar Company would not be sold without public participation. 

Lusaka made the remarks while addressing mourners at the funeral of Andrew Wataka, a former teacher at Kibabii Boys High School, in Muyayi village, Kanduyi constituency.

“I want to warn those political opportunists who are hoping that the company will be sold under our watch so they can gain cheap political capital,” Lusaka said.

The Governor emphasized that the area leadership has held talks with the President and expressed their views on how to revive Nzoia Sugar. 

"I am assuring farmers that farmers will receive timely payments for their sugarcane deliveries and workers paid," said the Governor 

Lusaka announced that arrangements have been made to pay both workers and farmers within the next few days. 

However, he firmly rejected suggestions that the county government takes over the company, stating that “governments are not good at doing business.”

He pointed out that the factory sits on an expansive public land donated by the local community for expansion, and some residents were even resettled to make way for the development hence the need for their involvement. 

Lusaka vowed that the community would not allow the land to be sold without their involvement.

He insisted that a solution must be found to make the factory self-sustaining and operational.

Kanduyi MP John Makali echoed Lusaka’s sentiments and criticized some leaders for spreading propaganda and falsehoods.

Makali assured residents that any decisions regarding the company would be made with transparency and public participation.

Courtesy; KNA 




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