Govt urge Citizens to report Water theft and vandalization of infrastructure

Aug 11, 2023 - 06:49
Govt urge Citizens to report Water theft and vandalization of infrastructure
Stakeholders from National and County government and members of the public attending the Linda Maji, Lipa Maji’ campaign organized by WASREB at the public social hall in Kiambu town.


Thursday, August 10, 2023

KNA by Grace Naishoo

The Ministry of Water and Sanitation has launched a campaign to raise public awareness about theft and vandalization of water and sanitation infrastructure in Kiambu County.

The nationwide operation is being implemented by the government agency Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB) and its dubbed ‘Linda Maji, Lipa Maji’

According to WASREB Manager James Nyutu who led the campaign Wednesday, the operation started two months ago in Nairobi County and it is being carried out in all the 47 counties in conjunction with all stakeholders including the nation and county governments.

“At least 45 percent of water produced by water companies is lost through theft, leakages and wastage, costing the country Sh 11.2 billion annually. In Kiambu alone, water loss is estimated at 34 percent putting moneys lost at Sh 180 million every year” said Nyutu.

Nyutu, who also launched a toll-free line meant to report illegal water connections and water systems theft, emphasized that it is a right for every citizen to have access to clean water as given by the constitution.

“It is a responsibility of every citizen to stop water theft by reporting water theft incidences in your area, this will help reduce the amount of money the government loses due to illegal connections and in renovations of vandalized water infrastructure” added Nyutu.

Kiambu Water and Sewerage Company (KIWASCO) chairman Boniface Mbugua urged both the National and County Government to allocate more funds on water to enable them give services to a bigger percentage of people.

“KIWASCO is now supplying water to 70 percent of people in Kiambu County for 18 hour every day, and also proving sewerage coverage at 16 percent, with better funding this can significantly improve” said Mbugua. 

On his part Kiambu County Director for Water Joseph Njuguna urged members of the public to take care of water and desist from cultivating along river banks and releasing harmful toxins in the water sources.

“Apart from climate change effects, we too have largely contributed to lowering of water levels in our rivers and dams by planting trees like Eucalyptus which have been proven to absorb lots of water” said Njunguna.

The Campaign boosts Water and Sanitization vision in Kenya, of achieving 100 percent coverage of safe water supply and 100 percent access to basic sanitation services by 2030. 

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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