Innovation and Exhibition Week kicks off in Meru University

Oct 17, 2023 - 21:02
Innovation and Exhibition Week kicks off in Meru University
The vice chancellor visited some of the exhibition stands. (Photo by Dickson Mwiti).


Tuesday, October 17, 2023,

KNA by Dickson Mwiti

Meru University of Science and Technology has officially launched a week-long innovation and exhibition event that is meant to showcase various innovative products from students as well as researchers.

Speaking during the official launch of the event, Meru University Vice Chancellor Prof. Romanus Odhiambo said the week is basically dedicated to innovations, innovative activities, and products that the researchers and various faculties have come up with.

“Basically, we will be displaying products of the research that we have carried out by our students and even colleagues so as to link up with the outside world. We want to open up our doors to everybody to have a look at them and see how we can collaborate,” said Prof. Odhiambo.

He said the institution has invited many people from all over the world including businesspeople and former students who were their potential partners.

“We are doing this to support our national government’s Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) which is more in terms of creativity, employment, and entrepreneurship, developing people and transforming community,” said Prof. Odhiambo.

He added that this is one of the University’s main agenda; to get involved in research, creating knowledge, and seeing how it can be put together to get something that will help the world out there.

The Vice-Chancellor said innovations mainly came out from research and that was the reason the institution was devoted to supporting research activities in all aspects.

Prof. Odhiambo said they were trying to create products at a small scale level adding that the biggest challenge was massive production.

 “Considering that we have challenges in terms of funds, we are assembling all kinds of people including entrepreneurs so they can come and have a look at our products. Once they are pleased with our innovative products, we can partner in terms of generating the financial resources so that we can produce massively,” said Prof. Odhiambo.

He said the way out to deal with the lack of funds was for the researchers to concentrate and write good research proposals that could sell not only to the national research fund but had the potential to attract international donors who are all over.

He said they were also working with the originators of innovative ideas including students in order to guide them and have their ideas patented and later link them up with potential financiers who can help them grow the idea.

Courtesy; KNA




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