Jubilee Party coup plotters suffer defeat

Sep 30, 2024 - 18:02
Jubilee Party coup plotters suffer defeat
Jubilee Party members celebrating. Photo/Courtesy.

By Robert Mutasi 

The dramatic turn finally came in the Jubilee Party intra-party war as a serious blow to the coup plotters.

According to the verdict by the court, Sabina Chege, who had been serving as the party leader, was officially removed from office.

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta has been reinstated to the legitimate leadership of the Jubilee Party and he holds the sole prerogative right to summon party meetings.

This ruling comes a long time after months of wrangling within the Jubilee Party and represents a clear victory for the Uhuru Kenyatta-led faction.

The attempted Jubilee coup by a fraction of itself had sought to take away the controls of the party from Uhuru, but the court has overturned the action.

It also stepped down other powerful people; some of them include Kanini Kega, who was the Secretary General, and Adan Keynan, the Vice Chair, alongside Sabina Chege.

Under the court's judgment, the party leadership, in particular, under the watch of Uhuru Kenyatta, is restored to a state of normalcy.

The ruling originates from an appeal No. E630/E635 of 2023 where the court annulled numerous previous meetings, among others decided by the rival faction and declared it null and void.

There, judgment was stated that the applicants had proved an adequate effort to get the dispute settled through the IDRM of the party, which was one important issue in their favor.

Salient Features of the Judgment

A summary of the Jubilee Appeal by the court shows it found fault with the majority decision of the Political Parties Disputes Tribunal, which had earlier given the ruling in favor of the coup plotters.

The court held that the PPDT had misdirected itself, and as a result reached a wrong decision that was now set aside.

The court found that the notice given for a party meeting dated 2nd February 2023 was illegal.

In effect, the court found that notice was issued improperly, and all acts done at meetings following it were nullities.

That is to say, the meeting in Nakuru held glaringly in breach of the party constitution.

The court ruled to nullify all resolutions adopted in that meeting or even those made after it, declaring all the resolutions adopted void ab initio.

Restoring Jubilee to Stability

The ruling, as the Jubilee Party leaders said, relieved them; justice had been served. 

Now with leadership restored to Uhuru Kenyatta, the party may now refocus on its agenda and see to it that it does not veer off from constitutional protocols.

Thus, appeal No. E630/E635 of 2023 was allowed en suite; it ordered that costs would lie where it fell.

This ruling brings to an end the wrangling that had been witnessed in Jubilee Party and cements the position of Uhuru Kenyatta at the helm of the said party.

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