Kajiado Assembly to investigate trespass of Assembly Chambers by the public

Nov 2, 2023 - 21:10
Kajiado Assembly to investigate trespass of Assembly Chambers by the public
Kajiado County Assembly Speaker Justus Ngossor at his office.


Thursday, November 2, 2023

KNA by Seline Nyangere and Sammy Rayiani

Kajiado County Assembly has launched investigations following Tuesday’s invasion of the Assembly premises by a mob that wanted to prevent Mr Tipape Naini from presenting a petition seeking the impeachment of Governor Joseph Ole Lenku.

In a press statement, Kajiado County Assembly Speaker Justus Ngossor said the investigations will be conducted using CCTV footage and live cameras to ensure the invaders face the full force of the law and to avoid a repeat of the same.

According to Ngossor, the young men and women who were armed with crude weapons jumped over the fence, invaded the County Assembly premises and threatened Mr Tipape Naini who brought a petition seeking to remove Governor Joseph Ole Lenku from office over abuse of office and gross misconduct.

Speaker Ngossor added that, more than 30 individuals engaged the County Assembly’s security team in running battles for close to two hours threatening the lives of the County Assembly officials and workers which is against the law.

Ngossor cited Article 37 of the Kenyan Constitution which gives the right to any member of the public to petition the County Assembly and the right procedures to be followed. 

Despite the chaotic scenes witnessed, petitioner Tipape managed to successfully submit his petition to the County Assembly clerk which was received on Tuesday 31, at 12.20pm.

Courtesy; KNA

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