Kenya Bora Tuitakayo’ issues statement on Finance Bill

Jun 27, 2023 - 15:51
Kenya Bora Tuitakayo’ issues statement on Finance Bill
From left to right. Co-convener, Reuben Kigame, Steering Committee Member, Engineer James Makori, E.D Kenya Bora Tuitakayo, Cyprian Orina Nyamwamu, Advocate Rebecca Wangui addressing the press on Finance Bill at the All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi on 26th June.

Nairobi, Tuesday June 27,

KNA by Peace Muthoka/Rebecca Maria

A civil rights organisation, ‘Kenya Bora Tuitakayo’ (KBT) has issued a statement saying that 93 per cent of Kenyans from all the sectors of the nation rejected the Finance Bill.

KBT Executive director (ED) Cyprian Orina-Nyamwamu said that the Senate of Kenya slashed the funds for county governments from Sh408billion as advised by the CRA to Sh385 billion.

“Parliament has confirmed that it does not represent the people of Kenya but the Presidency, it longer oversees the Executive branch nor passes legislation to facilitate the interests of the people of Kenya but the interests of the Presidency,” said Nyamwamu.

Nyamwamu announced that the Parliament has refused to do its oversight work and there are Reports of endemic corruption in the ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) of the National Executive which are now a daily report.

“It is very evident that a very large number of Azimio MPs and those who are in Parliament as Independent MPs have decided to side with the agenda of the Presidency to sabotage the economy and push the people of Kenya into suffering,” the director said.

The ED said that KBT will commence a programme "TAKING BACK OUR COUNTRY" from Saba Saba on July 7th 2023 until they get a Parliament that works to prevent and end the suffering of the people of Kenya.

The ED said that KBT calls on all Kenyans to unite in demanding issues such as the overturning of what they termed the ‘over taxation Bill’ (The Finance Bill 2023) which according to the President will increase taxes in order to reduce borrowing.       

“In the cooking oil and imported commodities scandal, two individuals have led to the country possibly losing Sh 10billion in one corrupt transaction. The Kenyan problem has never been lack of taxes to run the government and deliver services,” he said.

 “It has always been a problem of the wanton stealing of nearly Sh700billon annually through budgeted corruption. Mr. Moses Kuria and Mr. Mithika Linturi must both be investigated by an independent body in order for Kenya to recover all revenue that has been lost,” Nyamwamu said.                                                          

Nyamwamu also called for cessation of attack on the media pointing out that such an attack is a war on a whole pillar of our democracy, adding that they shall stand for media freedom and independence for the sake of democracy and good governance saying no one can attack the media and escape the wrath of the people of Kenya.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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