Kericho Hawker Appeals for Help to Offset Hefty Medical Bill

Jul 26, 2023 - 20:40
Kericho Hawker Appeals for Help to Offset Hefty Medical Bill
Photo Courtesy ; Gulf news


Wednesday, July 26, 2023,

KNA by Kibe Mburu

Esther Moraa, a Kericho-based hawker who sells roasted maize outside the Emmanuel AGC church is calling on well-wishers to come to her rescue after her daughter died at Kenyatta National Hospital accumulating a bill amounting to Sh600, 000.

Speaking to KNA, Moraa said that her late daughter Tina Nyaboke who died at the age of 24, had earlier this year been misdiagnosed at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital where for several months she was put on cancer treatment.

According to Moraa, her daughter had long suffered severe pain due to swollen feet and stomach but sought medical attention late due to financial constraints.

“When we sought an alternative opinion from the doctors at Nakuru Level 5 Hospital, doctors found out that my daughter had kidney failure not cancer, and was immediately referred to Kenyatta National Hospital where she had been on dialysis for one month before she passed on the July13, 2023,” said Moraa

The single mother of four is now appealing for financial help to offset the medical bill and transport the body to Birongo village in Kisii County for burial expressing concern that their effort to raise the funds as a family has not borne fruits.

“I am also appealing to the Kericho County Governor to intervene in my situation. Well-wishers can contribute through the Till Number 9609841 and I am also available on 0739-988529,” said Moraa.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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