Kisumu ODM leaders rebuke Interior PS over remarks about expulsion of errant MPs’

Sep 12, 2023 - 13:38
Kisumu ODM leaders rebuke Interior PS over remarks about expulsion of errant MPs’
Kisumu ODM Party Chairman Mr. Paul Akeyo (in specs), Kondele Ward MCA Joachim Oketch (donning a cap), Kisumu Central ODM Party Chairman and Milimani Ward MCA Seth Kanga aka Adui Nyang’ (L) and political activist Austine Makamu aka Makamu Wa Makamu during a press briefing in Kisumu on Monday. (Photo by Robert Ojwang’)


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

KNA by Robert Ojwang’

Kisumu ODM party leaders have chided Interior Principal Secretary Dr Raymond Omollo for his remarks that criticised Raila Odinga’s decision to expel errant legislators from the ODM party.

Omollo when speaking in Uriri, Migori County on Sunday accused the ODM leader of double standards in dealing with rebels in his party. The PS had claimed that punishing the MPs from the Luo region for meeting President William Ruto was akin to being a dictator.

Kisumu County ODM party chairman Mr. Paul Akeyo during a press briefing on Monday, faulted Dr Omollo for playing politics by meddling in the ODM party’s internal affairs.

“We have noted with concern that public servants are engaging in politics which is a breach of the code of regulations. We demand that PS Omollo should desist from attacking the ODM party and its leadership. We challenge him to resign and play politics while out of government,” Akeyo stated.

Akeyo further endorsed the decision by the ODM National Executive Committee (NEC) to deregister rebel MPs and MCAs who breached the party rules.

He cautioned leaders against misguiding the affected politicians to take the matter to court saying that due process was followed with recommendations from the grassroot members regarding the misbehavior the was subject of the resolution.

At the same time, Kisumu Central ODM party chairman and Market/Milimani Ward MCA Seth Kanga aka Adui Nyang’ and his counterpart in Kondele ward Joachim Oketch reiterated that ODM members were bound to respect and support resolutions of the NEC.

Kanga lamented that the sentiments by Dr Omollo disparaged the leadership of the ODM party as well as the governors in the Luo region.

The MCA further challenged the PS to focus on his mandate as a government officer to serve Kenyans equally and push for development projects for the Nyanza region instead of poking holes in the ODM party's internal affairs.

“The development projects which were earmarked for the Nyanza region under the handshake regime have since been stopped. The Mamboleo - Miwani - Muhoroni Road rehabilitation project was reduced, several other roads were removed and the Kisumu Port is currently not operational. These are the projects we need the PS to spearhead for the benefit of the locals,” remarked Kanga.

On his part, Oketch lamented the worrying trend by the elected leaders from the Nyanza region who are desperate to join the UDA administration under the pretense of seeking developments.

“If you are sure that the government that you serve was duly elected by the people then you should be ready to serve the entire country without intimidating or coercing leaders to support your government,” Oketch said.

Courtesy; KNA


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