Lack of food blamed for absenteeism in schools
Turkana, Thursday April 13, 2023
K.N.A By Peter Gitonga
Lack of food during drought seasons has been cited as one of the most pervasive reasons for learners missing school.
A report dubbed Climate change and education in Turkana, co-authored by Donvan Amenya and Rachael Fitzpatrick states that lack of food at home also had an indirect impact on girls, with community members reporting that when resources were limited, girls may marry early, resulting in school absences or dropout.
According to the report published by Education Development Trust, members of the community interviewed recommended feeding programme support for the schools.
“The county government should provide food to schools to buffer them from shocks triggered by climate changes,” a headteacher said.
Construction of more low-cost boarding facilities in schools within locations particularly affected by climate shocks was also cited as another solution to school dropout.
The objective of the survey was to assess the direct and indirect impact of climate shocks on learning from the experiences of learners, out-of-school youth, teachers, community members and other stakeholders.
It also sought to determine the relevance of climate change information currently being taught to young people in Turkana as well as explore stakeholder knowledge on climate change and its causes.
It also recommended the provision of low-cost boarding facilities to increase access to school for both learners and teachers.
Participants reported a need for infrastructure that is more resilient to extreme weather such as high winds and occasional flooding.
In the locations where conflicts are anticipated and there is historical precedent for school closures due to the skirmishes, remote learning was fronted as the best mechanism to ensure continuity of learning.
The survey revealed that there was limited learner knowledge and the desire for climate change education to provide more practical solutions.
“Headteachers also suggested that information about weather patterns and climate change is often outdated in textbooks and the curriculum,” states the report.
Courtesy K.N.A
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