Let’s join hands to help our children, Children officer urges

Sep 12, 2023 - 15:13
Sep 12, 2023 - 15:15
Let’s join hands to help our children, Children officer urges
Photo: Courtesy.


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

by Kimani Tirus

Loitoktok Sub County Children officer has called upon stakeholders in children matters in the sub county to work closely to address the challenges facing the children.

Denis Njoroge said the children in the sub county are facing myriads of challenges which include early marriages, Female Genital Mutilation and child labour.

The Children’s officer expressed concern that this year two children have committed suicide, latest being one week ago where a 13-year-old student committed suicide.

Njoroge noted that this is attributed to mental challenges the children might be going through and has urged all stakeholders to come on board to address the mental challenges in children.

Despite the challenges they are facing as a department in terms of scarcity of staff as well as vastness of the area of jurisdiction, Njoroge noted they are trying their best to offer children services.

On early marriages, which is a major challenge in the area, he pointed out that they are sensitizing the community on the negative effects of early marriages which is against the rights of the child.

The childrens officer however observed that not only do they educate the community but also take necessary steps against the culprits involved in the vice by prosecuting them to face the full force of the law.

‘ Njoroge further noted that they organize for the rescue of the victims and secure a safe haven for them in children rescue centers if necessary.

He noted with concern that there is an emerging trend of children dropping out of schools and running away from homes and called upon parents and teachers to work closely with the department of children to contain the vice.

On Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Njoroge noted that the vice is on the decline in the region although it is prevalent in some pockets of the county though carried out in secret.

Courtesy; KNA

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