Madogo youth challenged to join technical colleges amid raising cases of insecurity

Aug 11, 2023 - 16:16
Madogo youth challenged to join technical colleges amid raising cases of insecurity
Courtesy ; K. N. A


Friday August 11, 2023

KNA by Erick Kyalo

Youth in Madogo, Tana River County have been challenged to join technical institutions and acquire skills for their economic growth in a bid to tame rising crime rate in the area.

The call comes following concern from both leaders and residents of a huge number of school-going youngters who have dropped out of school and who have resorted to carrying out criminal activities in Madogo area.

The criminal gang commonly known as ‘Kayole’ that consists of children and adults aged between 10 and 30 has been terrorising residents by robbing them of their valuables and breaking into homes.

So daring is the gang which uses knives and other crude weapons to terrorise residents that they have been carrying out their activities in broad daylight unperturbed, leaving residents in constant fear.

The terrified residents have even been retreating to their houses as early as 5 for fear of being attacked.

During a skills and career launching ceremony at Madogo vocational training center, while some leaders blamed the issue on a moral decay, others blamed it on idleness where the school dropouts and form four leavers find themselves with nothing to do therefore resorting to engaging in crime.

Tana River deputy governor Mahat Ali Loka, while acknowledging that there existed a problem, urged the security apparatus to deal with the criminal gangs ruthlessly.

"The Quran tells us that anyone found stealing should have one of his hands chopped off. However, we are governed by the constitution which we must all follow. I have a lot of faith in our security apparatus that they will completely eliminate this gag and restore our security,” Loka said.

Loka regretted that youth in the area shy away from joining technical training colleges, something he said has only served to make the community lag behind in matters of development.

“When we have a majority of our children dropping out of school and ending up in the streets with no technical skills acquired at all, the end result is what you see today. I want to ask you all to take advantage of this institution that is fully equipped and enroll for these courses and acquire technical skills that will help us in life,” he said.

Bangale Deputy county commissioner Joseph Kipkorir said that they have identified three ring leaders of the notorious gang saying that they were closing in on them.

"I want to say it in broad daylight that we are closing in on these 3 notorious criminals who have been playing hide and seek with our security officers as they go about terrorizing our people. When you come across them kindly tell them to change their ways or else, they will have themselves to blame," he said.

Bangale Sub County Police Commander Joseph Gatuku regretted that parents had neglected their parental roles, blaming fathers for doing little to bring up their children well.

"It's now becoming a very big security situation and we will not entertain anymore. I want to state without any fear of contradiction that going forward we will ruthlessly deal with these young men who are out to destabilize our security. Even if it means shooting them dead, we will do it," Gatuku said.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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