Makueni releases Sh 85m school bursaries for needy students

Jan 6, 2024 - 13:31
Makueni releases Sh 85m school bursaries for needy students
Governor Mutula Kilonzo (right) with a section of secondary school students during official launching of releasing of county bursaries across the county on Friday at Matiliku market in Makueni constituency.


Saturday 06 January 2024

KNA by Ronald Rono

Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo jr has yesterday launched the distribution of bursaries worth Ksh. 85 million to needy students across the county.

Mutula said the bursaries will benefit 12,682 targeted students in secondary schools, colleges, County Technical and Training institute and university.

Mutula spoke at Matiliku Market in Makueni constituency on friday when he officially launched the releasing and distribution of bursaries cheques to beneficiaries across the county.

He said the initiative is aimed at enabling needy students from poor backgrounds to access and remain in school after enrollment despite the high cost of living.

"The government of Makueni county is supporting 100% transition and in an effort to enhance access and retention of students at school, i have released bursary cheques amounting to Ksh. 85 million to 12,682 needy students across the county as the 2024 first term begins ,"said Mutula.

He said the students were identified following a vetting process by the Ward Bursary Committees and will benefit from the bursaries based on thier vulnerability. 

Governor Mutula urged the National government and National Government Constituency Development Fund (NGCDF) to complement by giving also bursaries to students to alleviate the financial burden on the parents of the needy students.

He added that his administration is committed to investing in educating Makueni children to enable them to become productive people in society and urged the students to be obedient to thier teachers.

"Listen keenly to your teachers, if you want to become leaders at young age like the Speaker or like me the Governor you must follow instruction from your teachers while learning at school," said Mutula while adressing a section of secondary students who are benefiting from the kitty at Matiliku market.

Ken Malinda a 4th year student at Masai Mara university from Ukia ward said the Ksh 10,000 bursary will boost the school fees and will be able to complete his studies.

Malinda who is an orphan said in his four year term in the university he has survived on bursaries including NGCDF kitty.

The beneficiaries will each get sh 10,000 for university students,college students will benefit Sh 8,000, CTTI students will get 7,000 while secondary boarders and day scholars will benefit sh 7,000 and 4,000 respectively.

Mutula added that at least 99 needy but bright students will benefit from the Makueni county full scholarship program next week.

Currently the program has supported over 600 students in county.

Courtesy; KNA 

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