Man charged with defilement girl aged 14 years in Baringo

Jul 26, 2023 - 13:40
Man charged with defilement girl aged 14 years in Baringo


Wednesday July 26, 2023

KNA by Gloria Cheboi/Joshua Kibet

A man in his early forties has been arraigned before a Kabarnet court for allegedly defiling a 14 year old girl.

Enos Bolei appeared before Kabarnet Senior Resident Magistrate Edwin Mulochi charged with attempted defilement contrary to Section 9 (1) (2) of the Sexual Offence Act No.3 of 2006.

He was also charged with engaging in an indecent act with a child in violation of Section 11 of the Sexual Offenses Act No.3 of 2006.

According to the charge sheet, the accused willingly and unlawfully attempted to defile the complainant who is known to him on July 23, 2023, at around 2.30 pm at Riwo village in Baringo central sub-county.

The court heard that the accused was arrested on July 24 and taken to Kabarnet police station before his arraignment in court. The accused pleaded not guilty of the charges.

Mulochi ordered him to be released on a Sh 100, 000 bond with a surety of a similar amount pending hearing and determination of the case.

The case will come up for mention on August 10 and a hearing has been fixed for October 4 where eight witnesses are set to testify.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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