Man Charged with Unaccustomed Goods Receives Extension to Formulate Defense

Jun 24, 2023 - 15:02
Jun 24, 2023 - 16:00
Man Charged with Unaccustomed Goods Receives Extension to Formulate Defense

Eldama Ravine, Saturday June 24, 2023

KNA by Christopher Kiprop

In a shocking turn of events, a man arrested transporting ethanol has failed to defend himself in court, saying he knows the owners of the ethanol and would like to produce them.

James Mburu Maina couldn’t defend himself when he was asked to do so in the Eldama Ravine Law Courts after he was arrested with 375 litres of ethanol on 16th, April 2022 while driving within Timboroa area.

He had pleaded not guilty for all counts and released on a Sh300,000 bond or Sh100,000 cash bail but changed the plea to guilty yesterday.

"I know where the owner of the absolute ethanol is and I can direct the police to go and arrest him," Senior Resident Magistrate Alice Towett heard after which she stopped him from presenting his defense.

Towet ordered that the accused prepare his defense and set the hearing of the matter on Monday, July 3rd, 2023.

According to the charge sheet, Mburu was charged with three counts of conveying unaccustomed goods namely absolute ethanol 375 litres packed in 15 separate 25 litres plastic jericans, being in possession of unaccustomed goods and being in possession of absolute ethanol without an excise license in contravention of East African Community customs management Act.

The particulars of the case read that on 16th, April 2022 at around 2030 hours at Timboroa along Eldoret Nakuru highway in Koibatek Sub county within Baringo County, Mburu was found transporting 375 litres of absolute ethanol packed in 15 separate 25 litres plastic jericans using motor vehicle registration number KAY 688Z make Toyota Caldina, white in colour.

He was arrested and taken to Timboroa Police Station on the same day.

According to Kenya Revenue Authority, the excise duty that is supposed to be paid before transporting the absolute ethanol is Sh90,000.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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