Murang’a set for County games

Aug 15, 2023 - 21:23
Murang’a set for County games
Murang’a County Assembly members.


Tuesday, August 15, 2023

KNA by Purity Mugo

Murang’a County Assembly yesterday commissioned teams that will participate in this year’s County Assemblies Sports Association (CASA) Games that will be held in Nakuru County.

Speaking at Ihura stadium during the flagging-off ceremony, County Assembly Speaker Johnson Mukuha expressed confidence in the teams saying they were well prepared and they expected to bring back a few trophies.

“Murang’a county teams are well prepared and we are going to represent our people of Murang’a and win,” he said.

“We have teams that will be taking part in various field and indoor games such as football, volleyball, tug of war, badminton, darts, and pool,” he added.

The Speaker underscored the significance of the games saying they enhance cooperation and working together by fostering the spirit of teamwork among the Members of the County Assembly (MCA) and the staff.

The games bring together MCAs from all 47 counties and enhance national cohesion through healthy competition.

MCA for Kimorori Elizabeth Wambui ward who is also the chairperson of the fourth edition of the CASA games spoke highly of the games saying they were inspiring cohesion in the country at large by supporting social interaction.

Wambui noted that women were well represented in the various teams and she was confident they are prepared and ready to compete.

“In Murang’a, we have women’s football and volleyball teams among others so women are fully participating in the games,” she said.

The MCA for Nginda ward Mwangi Kamau who is also the volleyball team captain, accentuated the importance of the games in fostering togetherness among members of the assembly and other county assembly employees.

Kamau urged all the participants playing the different games to avail themselves in Nakuru for the competitions.

The assembly’s leader of the majority Francis Kibe also heaped praises on the positive impact of the games saying the social interactions fostered during the practice sessions and the competitions would go a long way in improving the working relationships between the MCAs and other county assembly staff.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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