Naivasha Residents demand equal job opportunities at KenGen

Oct 3, 2023 - 20:41
Naivasha Residents demand equal job opportunities at KenGen
Members of the public addressing the media in Naivasha Town. They accuse area MP of interference in the process of appointment of community representatives to KenGen. However the MP has denied the accusation. (Photo by Erastus Gichohi).


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

KNA by Erastus Gichohi

Naivasha residents are now demanding equal opportunities for employment and tendering at the Naivasha-based Geothermal Company, Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen).

The irate residents accused the management of KenGen of using a flawed process in appointing host community's representatives to the company's board based on the government's policy claiming that they had already petitioned the public company.

Dennis Gaucho, the community youth leader, alleged interference from Naivasha MP Jayne Kihara and a section of local administration leaders in giving out the available vacancies to their close allies.

Gaucho said the interference has denied locals their right to access job opportunities and tenders noting that outsiders are benefiting more at the expense of the host community.

He added that the people appointed by local leaders will represent their interests at the power-generating company at the expense of the residents seeking opportunities.

Margaret Omire from the informal settlement of Karagita, has blamed the lack of proper representation at the parastatal, for the increasing cases of drug abuse in the area due to a high rate of unemployment among the youths. 

"Our children are graduates and have the requisite qualifications to get these jobs, but whenever opportunities arise, they are given to the privileged. Our youths have resorted to alcoholism and drug abuse," decried Omire. 

In a quick rejoinder, Naivasha MP Jayne Kihara has exonerated herself from the allegations affirming that KenGen is a parastatal entity with well-laid procedures for staff recruitment.

Kihara added the accusations were baseless and malicious with the sole intention of paying homage to her unnamed political competitors who lost in last year’s general election.

“KenGen reviewed the model of selecting community representatives, after the term of the previous office holders elapsed in 2020 and was therefore at liberty to conduct its affairs as it deemed fit,” said Kihara.

The area residents have however maintained their push to have KenGen review the said procurement process to ensure transparency and accountability.

KenGen located in the Olkaria area of Naivasha has been on an expansion journey in the exploration and drilling of geothermal power employing tens of qualified personnel to work in its rich fields with the current power capacity to the national grid standing at 1000 Megawatts of electricity.

Courtesy; KNA


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