NGO Council Calls for the Implementations of the Proposed Budgetary Allocation

Jun 16, 2023 - 23:23
NGO Council Calls for the Implementations of the Proposed Budgetary Allocation
Budget case

Nairobi, Friday, June 16, 2023

KNA by Ali Sheikh Mohamed


The Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) council of Kenya has issued a clarion call to the government to strictly implement the proposed budgetary allocations in 2023/24 fiscal year.

The Council’s National Chairman Stephen Cheboi said that they are launching the public watchdog which will oversee the resources implementation and utilization urging that the government should be watchful.

He also pleads with the government that resources earmarked for food security and water be prioritized to address the needs of the less privileged Kenyan families which will in turn help them to access basic necessities in life.

“Resources were pumped to improve food security in our country, we have challenges of people suffering. We recently saw some public held utilities and some private held utilities rejecting patients as a result of lack of remittance on money meant for medical care,” remarked Cheboi.

Cheboi believes that Kenyans have no problems with issues of taxes as long as the resources will be utilized in a manner that satisfies them.

“If Kenyans will have the assurance that the resources will be used to create sustainable development projects, then they are willing to pay taxes,” stated Cheboi while urging Kenyans to be patriotic to push the government agenda forward.

He also lauded the government for allocating resources for actions of Climate Change that will enable the country to achieve the ambitious target of 15billion trees by 2030.

While commenting on cash transfer, Cheboi said that cash transfers have allocated resources that will help the elderly, people with disabilities and other less privileged people in the society.

“Previously we had challenges of resource allocation; we are glad that a lot of resources were allocated on cash transfer. Sh. 3.3 billion allocated for social protection and Sh. 900 million for child welfare society,” confirmed Cheboi.

Additionally, Cheboi called upon the government and opposition to come back to the bipartisan talks and sit down to negotiate and settle their political differences on issues that are of importance to the people of Kenya.   

The National Council of NGOs requested the government to seal corruption loopholes that can possibly mess the country’s economy as they push the government agenda forward.  

Cheboi assured government that the council is committed to working with the government to improve the life s of kenya

“We have recently launched our report, in 2022, we have raised about Sh.175 billion from various sources” stated Cheboi while appreciating the well-wishers and donors that have contributed lion's share in helping the communities in Kenya.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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