Odinga asks ODM politicians to ignore party 'Rebels

Sep 25, 2023 - 12:01
Odinga asks ODM politicians to ignore party 'Rebels
ODM party leader Raila Odinga. Photo/Courtesy.


Monday September 25, 2023

KNA by Brian Ondeng

ODM Party leader Raila Odinga has called for an end the constant talks about ’rebel’ ODM legislators who have opted to work with Kenya Kwanza administration. 

Odinga described the legislators who visited Statehouse early this year as harmless and inconsequential, adding that there is no need for ODM politicians to continuously delve on the matter at every political function.

The former Prime Minister who was speaking at the home coming of Sakwa West Ward Rep Tabu Osewe in Bondo said the less they talk about them the better.

 “Who can they (ODM rebel legislators) hurt here? Nobody. In fact it's a waste of time to continuously talk about them,” Mr Odinga said.

Odinga likened ODM politicians who constantly speak about the party outcasts to sane people who are chasing after mad men thus making it difficult for others to tell the difference.

"Every market has a mad man. If a mad man takes your clothes while you are bathing and you run after him naked, people will not tell the difference between the two of you. So stop talking about people who are not with us. You are giving them unnecessary attention for no reason," Odinga said.

He said the only way to attain development is to strengthen devolution by increasing funds to counties and not visiting the Statehouse.

The former Prime minister said that Governors are currently struggling to deliver services because of meager allocations and failure to fully devolve key functions.

"Our people should not be struggling to get roads and healthcare if devolution worked the way it was anticipated. Today marks 20 years since the death of Dr Odhiambo Mbai who led talks on devolution during the constitution making process but devolution is yet to achieve what it was envisaged to do," Odinga stated.

He asked Kenyans to be patient as they engage the Kenya Kwanza administration in the ongoing by partisan talks adding that the talks need to be given a chance to bear fruits.

"Because of the ongoing talks, I will not talk much. I want to give the talks a chance and hopefully they will bear fruits but if the talks fail we will have a new direction," he added.

National Assembly Leader of Minority Opiyo Wandayi who attended the event said that despite the talks, they will continue to put the government in check.

"We know there are ongoing talks but that does not mean we will abdicate our oversight roles. We have to keep the government in check for the benefit of the people of Kenya." Mr Wandayi stated.

He on the other hand warned the ODM 'rebel MPs’ to forget about any future reelection in the region for betraying Odinga at the hour of need. 

" I say goodbye to the ilk of Ochanda and Elisha. Let them forget about being ever elected here again. Once you have gone against our party leader, that is the end of your political career," Wandayi said.

The 'rebel' legislators have been made top agenda in ODM political fora since their visit to Statehouse early this year and subsequent visits where they openly declared that they will work with President William Ruto. 

They are Mr Gedion Ochanda (Bondo), Mr Elisha Odhiambo ( Gem), Mr Caroli Omondi (Suba South), Prof Tom Ojienda (Kisumu Senator), Mr Paul Abuor (Rongo), Mr John Owino (Awendo), Mr Felix Odiwuor (Langata) and Shakeel Shabir ( Kisumu East, (Independent).

The eight ODM legislators who are facing expulsion from the party following violation of political parties Act of 2011 and association with rival political outfit, recently managed to get a temporary reprieve for Political Parties Disciplinary Tribunal which granted them a stay pending hearing of their cases.

The event was also attended by a host of other ODM party leaders who castigated the Kenya Kwanza administration for doing little to alleviate suffering of Kenyans occasioned by high cost of living.

The leaders also reiterated sentiments of the Chairman of the Luo Council of Elders Mr Odungi Randa who called on the Luo nation to remain united under Raila Odinga instead of trying to look for unforthcoming solutions elsewhere.

They included Mr James Orengo (Governor, Siaya), Mr Ochilo Ayako (Governor, Migori), Eddie Oketch (Senator, Migori), Dr Oburu Oginga (Senator, Siaya), Mr. Babu Owino (MP, Embakasi), Mr Aduma Owuor (MP, Nyakach), Mr Peter Masara (MP, Suna West) and Siaya Speaker Mr George Okode. 

Courtesy; KNA


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