ODPC and KSG develops curriculum data protection

Jun 17, 2023 - 22:51
ODPC and KSG develops curriculum data protection
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Homa Bay, Saturday June 17, 2023

KNA by George Kaiga

Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC) has collaborated with Kenya School of Government (KSG) to develop a data protection programme curriculum that will enable training of stakeholders on data protection and privacy.

According to the Data Commissioner Immaculate Kassait, the course targets to train staff and organizations on Data Protection Act 2019 and enable organizations achieve and maintain compliance relative to the Act.

Speaking during an awareness campaign in Homa Bay County, a representative of the Data Commissioner Isaac Okoth said this would enable organizations to train their staff on matters Data Privacy and Protection Act 2019, adding that organizations have legal and ethical obligations to protect personal data.

KSG offers consultancy, training, research and advisory services to government, non-governmental organizations and private organizations in the areas of public policy development and management.

The aggressive countrywide awareness campaigns the ODPC has embarked is meant to ensure personal data is collected and processed for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes only, with those breaching the protocols liable to face penalties.

In line with Data Protection Act 2019, all Data Controllers and Data Processors are required to register with ODPC, with registration fee depending on the category of the data controllers or data processor which is determined by their annual turnover or revenue and number of employees.

Under the Act entities, including individuals, cannot act as Data Controllers and Data Processors in Kenya unless they have registered with ODPC.

“All public and non-profit entities must also register regardless of revenue, alongside gaming companies or entities involved in collection of electoral processes,” added Sumaiyah Omar, a Data and Protection Officer.

Others are Micro and Small data controllers/processors, Medium data controllers/processors, large data processors, charities and religious entities.

ODPC is responsible for ensuring compliance with Data Protection laws, so that individuals have a right to secrecy and privacy of their personal data.

According to Okoth, nationwide campaigns that ODPC has embarked on a pilot project to create awareness among members of the general public and organizations has already covered 38 counties, with the remaining nine expected to be reached before the end of this month.

Homa Bay Moses Lilan, who was represented by Assistant County Commissioner Julius Ng’etich urged data controllers and data processors to comply with the registration, to help curb fraud that has been witnessed due to increased collection of data by various organizations.

“The ODPC has no intention of curbing innovation, but instead intends to streamline the sector,” he added.

Some of the participants asked ODPC to rein in some digital lenders whom they accused of allegedly breaching confidentiality of personal data of Kenyans.

Over 100 participants from both national and county government, religious organizations, boda boda representatives, on-governmental organizations among others attended the awareness training. 

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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