Reprieve for Residents as Government Opens Up New Roads

Jun 12, 2023 - 11:59
Reprieve for Residents as Government Opens Up New Roads
A road under construction

Kiambu, Monday June 12,2023

KNA By Hellen Lunalo

The Kiambu County Government has embarked on a road construction project at Karibaribi Village located in Thika Township Ward.

The ambitious project involves opening up new roads in the area and having existing dilapidated ones repaired.

The area has been highly inaccessible due to the poor condition of the roads greatly hampering the social economic development.

Thika Township Member of County Assembly Kennedy Mwangi said traders and transporters in the area have suffered the most due to the neglected road network.

“This place has been impassable, especially during rainy seasons. The residents are therefore forced to use long alternative routes to reach their destinations. The state of the road which is not tarmacked has also forced public service vehicles to shy away from operating in the area forcing residents to walk long distances to access transport. Right now, the roads are in a good state and Karibaribi will have enhanced development in terms of infrastructure as we intend to tarmac more roads in the near future,” said Mwangi.

Residents praised the county government for addressing their plight, saying the development would facilitate business growth, improve agricultural activities and increase the value of their land.

“We have been suffering for a long time, especially during rainy seasons whereby the road would be rendered impassable by floods. For one to go to work or school, one had to carry an extra pair of shoes to change on arrival at their destination because of the mud that made the shoes unsightly. This project is therefore long overdue and we are grateful,” said Judy Wangari, a resident of the area.

Public transport operators who were forced to use longer routes also lauded the move saying it would greatly reduce their operation costs.

“We have been counting losses in our businesses because a week hardly passes without visiting a mechanic. We are thankful that our concerns have been addressed and we now expect our businesses to thrive as we resume operations in the area,” said James Macharia, a matatu owner.

The residents further urged the county government to enhance security by installing street lights in the area stating that the village is largely covered by coffee and maize plantations. This, they said, would help them operate their business effectively especially during night time without worrying about security.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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