Support Government transformative agenda

Sep 21, 2023 - 19:36
Support Government transformative agenda


Thursday, September 21, 2023

KNA By Joseph Ouma

Public servants should fully support the government's transformative agenda by fastracking development programs rolled out across the country in line with the Bottom - Up Economic and Transformative Approach (BETA) for the benefit of the citizens.

 Kisumu County Commissioner, Hussein Alasow Hussein said the projected plant to grow 15 billion trees over the next 10 years requires that we all grow and nurture trees in our forests, homes, schools, offices, churches, and other public institutions to facilitate the greening of our country.

He commended respective national government departments for having gone flat-out to implement the Presidential directive going by the number of trees so far planted in Kisumu County. 

His call comes following the revelation by the Kenya Forestry Services (KFS) that so far they have identified 100 schools in the county where they plant to raise more tree seedlings as long as they were properly fenced to guard against theft and destruction by animals.

"We have more than 90 heads of departments in Kisumu and so we expect each and every one of you to work together as a team in driving this agenda since no one can operate in isolation", he said.

The County Forest Conservator Sylvester Mc'Odero told the County Delivery Committee, chaired by Hussein this morning that Kisumu with an area of 23, 695.24 Ha (8.85%) currently has a forest cover of 4,149. 69% forest cover % against the targeted attainment of 30% tree cover by 2032. 

This translates to 61.628 Ha put under 23.02% forest cover with 9, 185, 500 seedlings required per year with total funding of Kshs.91, 855, 300 over the 10-year period the projected life of the program.

Courtesy; KNA






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