Teso North Residents Appeal to the JSC to operationalize Malaba Court to reduce cost of seeking Justice

May 15, 2023 - 14:39
Teso North Residents Appeal to the JSC to operationalize Malaba Court to reduce cost of seeking Justice
Malaba court which has been closed for over 1 years since it was renovated.

Busia, Monday, May 15, 2023

KNA by Absalom Namwalo

Residents of Teso North are appealing to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) to operationalise the magistrate’s court at Amagoro to reduce the cost incurred by the residents in their search for justice.

Speaking outside Malaba court building based at Amagoro which was renovated by NG-CDF under former area MP Oku Kaunya, the residents want the JSC to deploy a magistrate at the premises to help cut the cost for those seeking justice and also reduce the backlog of petty cases at Busia High Court.

Led by Kevin Etyang, they narrated how many cases have been withdrawn or ended prematurely for lack of witnesses as it is costly to transport witnesses from Changara in Teso North over 70 km to Busia paying about Sh 700 on motorbike one way.

“We have seen many crime cases being dropped for lack of witnesses as it’s too expensive to seek justice in Busia. Imagine transporting one witness at a cost of Sh800 for more than 3 hearings and also you pay for their lunch and return fare,” said Etyang.

He wants the judiciary to ensure justice is served for all by opening the court at Amagoro that is fully equipped to support court procedures.

His sentiment were echoed by Edward Omuse who slammed JSC for being sluggish in its operation despite the area MP offering to equip the facility.

“People from Teso continue suffering as they seek justice despite this building having all the necessary equipment to operate as a magistrate court. We appeal to JSC president Martha Koome to deploy a judge here,” noted Omuse.

“Having a court here will assist members of the public to have easy access to the court instead of having to travel all the way to Busia and some of them come from as far from the border of Busia and Mount Elgon in Bungoma County,” he added.

The High Court and magistrate’s court in Busia town have been serving residents in the seven sub counties of Teso North, Teso South, Nambale, Butula, Samia, Matayos and Bunyala.

Courtesy; K.N.A

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