Uhuru, Raila face petition over Azimio demos

Jul 17, 2023 - 17:51
Uhuru, Raila face petition over Azimio demos

By Peter Ochieng 

Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta and Azimio leader Raila Odinga have been dragged to court over anti-government demonstrations.

A Kenyan by name Martin Gitau wants the court to issue an order stopping the two from calling for demos across the country.

Gitau has filed the case, through advocate Adrian Kamotho.

"Pending the hearing and determination of the Application and Petition herein inter partes the Honourable Court be pleased to issue a temporary order restraining the Respondents, their agents, servants, supporters and/or any person whatsoever from holding violent protests, barricading roads, destroying critical infrastructure, disrupting the lives of non-demonstrators or in any manner using the subsisting democratic space to destroy property, intimidate disinterested persons or to loot business premises," reads the petition in part.

The petitioner also wants the court to restrain political parties’ fund from releasing or disbursing any share or further allocation of the political parties’ fund to the parties under Azimio.

The parties include ODM, Jubilee and Wiper among others.

However, Jubilee is divided into two, with some leaders leaning towards the Azimio side, as others support Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

Some Kenya Kwanza MPs have claimed Kenyatta who served as President from 2013 to 2022 is financing the Azimio demos.

Azimio leaders insist that the protests will go on as planned on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week.

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