We’re committed towards prudent use of Equalisation Funds- Nandi CC

Nov 29, 2023 - 15:43
We’re committed towards prudent use of Equalisation Funds- Nandi CC
Nandi County Commissioner Caroline Mueni together with Hillary Serem, Nandi County Government Chief Executive Committee Member in charge of Finance.

Kapsabet ,

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

KNA by Geoffrey Satia

Equalisation funds approved for Nandi County will be spent appropriately in all identified marginalized areas, County Commissioner Caroline Mueni has assured.

Commission for Revenue Allocation (CRA) has approved close to Sh 116.8 million to be spent in Tinderet and Nandi Hills marginalized villages.

Commissioner Mueni told the County Technical Committee on equalization funds which she chairs that they have been entrusted to ensure all earmarked projects are completed successfully as required.

She said the equalization committee has initiated all the necessary procedures which include public participation on the said projects.

The Commissioner assured the residents of Nandi Hills and Tinderet whose areas will be beneficiaries of the funds that the process had reached an advanced stage and soon works will commence on all identified projects for funding.

Hillary Serem, Nandi County Government Chief Executive Committee Member in charge of Finance who is the committee secretary said they were working closely with the National Equalisation Funds Secretariat towards the release of the funds.

He said they were remaining with a few areas to be worked on so that the funds could be credited to the county account which has been opened.

The CRA team led by Jonas Kuko, board member who visited Nandi County in May on their Equalization sensitization tour insisted that parameters including difficulties in accessing health facilities, poor roads, inaccessible clean water sources were key in defining marginalized areas.

Roads, health, and water projects were identified in marginalized areas wards of Songhor/Soba, Chemelil/Chemase, Tinderet, Kapchorwa in both Nandi Hills and Chemese.

The Nandi County Technical Committee on equalization funds consists of roads, health, and water department representatives meeting every week in a bid to fulfill the Equalization secretariat requirements and deadlines.

Courtesy; KNA



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