You can deplatform me but your parents are grandparents won't forget me - Kasmuel McOure

Oct 6, 2024 - 16:12
Oct 6, 2024 - 16:12
You can deplatform me but your parents are grandparents won't forget me - Kasmuel McOure


Sunday, 6 October, 2024 

McCreadie Andias 

Outspoken revolutionalist and artist Kasmuel McOure has come out clear to defend his integrity amidst sparked criticism from Kenyans online, that his words and actions are a bidding for the Government. 

McOure faced backlash from Kenyans during the Friday 4th Public participation event for the impeachment of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua at the Bomas of Kenya, where his utterances that Gachagua should be impeached were met with reversed reception and uproar. 

"Deputy president Rigathi Gachagua aende Nyumbani" McOure said on Friday. This was however met with criticism by Kenyans who felt that the outspoken activist could have called for the impeachment of both the DP and President Ruto as many Kenyans have suggested. 

McOure was further called out for not speaking against the physical assault inflicted on Civic activist Morara Kebaso at the Bomas event. 

Kebaso was assaulted by goons and forced to flee with injuries while McOure did not condemn the act while adressing the crowd at Bomas. 

Since the onset of the criticism, McOure has lost more than 20,000 flowers on his X platform with a hashtag to deplatform him launched online. 

McOure has however come out to respond to the criticism with a series of posts on Sunday. 

"Why would anyone threaten me with deplatforming?The real challenge is deplatforming me from your mothers’ hearts because they see beyond the BS and sensationalism you’re trying to advance." He argued. 

He further noted that deplatforming him would not shift his agenda for revolution while it won't affect his already gained influence among the elder population

"Huku hata mkinirudisha 400 followers pahali nilikuwa 4 months ago sijali. Make it quick!. Can you make your grandparents forget me though?.." He argued. 

The revolutionalist has been conducting a series of public sensitization and civic education among senior citizens in various parts of the country where he has engaged them on the guidelines of voter registration. 

He was also involved in helping parents find their loved ones following the aftermath of the Endarasha Academy fire tragedy that claimed atleast 17 pupils. 

He further defended his integrity and defended himself from being labeled as a sellout. 

"If I ever sell my integrity, I’ll be the first to make it known. If you have proof of the little I’ve received, table it.

The ‘brilliant future’ you talk about is one you’ve constantly bashed and ridiculed. How come you only believe in my ‘brilliant future ‘when criticizing me? 

I say this because you don’t support me for who I am, but because it’s inconvenient for who you’re against, therefore convenient for you.

That is not faith. It’s tolerance, it’s despicable and I don’t want it."He said. 

" This sensationalism will also pass. I’m very clear in my head about where I want to go and the dreams of the Kenya I want for our people.

I know we’ll get there. No matter how long it takes.

Oh, and if I’m not the one to achieve it, I’m happy to support and nurture the people who’ll deliver it."He added. 

He called out his critics whom he accused of turning the revolution into a contest for influence. 

" I've consistently said a revolution is not a popularity contest. 

I went to the streets because I was sick and tired of the miserable lives my people and I were living. 

We went to the streets because we had nothing to lose but our miserable lives.

I don't need anyone's approval to do what's right for our country. 

I will fight for the betterment of our people's social and material conditions, as well as for the stability of our country.

If this will cost me popularity, so be it. The Internet has never liked me anyway.

If it will cost me work, so be it. Our youth are languishing in unemployment.

If it will cost me my life, I've said it time without number, so be it.

I shall do my honest part, speak truth to power at any opportunity I get, while advocating for a stable Kenya. "He said. 

" You campaign for a rogue government, saying things like 'hata kama ni mwizi, ni mwizi wetu' when you took the money to sell us this government and pulled the tribal cards, you said you were doing it for a just cause. 

Most of the people insulting me are on brand because they've always said the vilest things about people for engagement. They're just currently hiding behind the word 'revolution'. For them it's always about the money. They don't believe that there are people who can think and act without monetary motivation.

I was NOT on any ballot paper, and neither did I campaign for anyone else but Reuben Kigame in the last election. Some of you who are so desperately campaigning to remove this government that they democratically elected, sold it the loudest, and continue to do so every election year, selling themselves to the highest bidder.

Lakini sasa mnataka kunifunza kazi eti you've seen the light? What a bunch of pretenders!

I will participate in this democracy at my own discretion as long as it's aligned with the greatest good for Kenya and her people. "He added. 

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