Women legislators protest suspension of a Murang’a MCA

Jun 14, 2023 - 17:23
Women legislators protest suspension of a Murang’a MCA
Murang’a county Governor Irungu Kangata

Murang’a, Wednesday, June 14, 2023

KNA by Bernard Munyao

A section of women legislators allied to Kenya Women Parliamentary Association (KEWOPA) on Wednesday held a peaceful demonstration at the gates of Murang’a county assembly demanding the reinstatement of a suspended MCA.

Led by Maragua MP Mary Waithera and her Dagoreti north counterpart Beatrice Elachi, the law makers accused the Murang’a assembly led by speaker Johnson Mukuha of what they termed illegal suspension of Kanyenyaini MCA, Grace Nduta.

Last week, Nduta was suspended from the assembly’s sittings and committees for a period of four months for her sentiments she posted on social media platforms accusing her colleagues of failure in their oversight role.

The legislators said the suspension was not well informed as the committee on powers and privileges lacked the authority to suspend the MCA.

Waithera said the suspension was meant to humiliate elected women MCAs saying Nduta did not engage in any misconduct to warrant her a suspension.

She said the UDA party leadership will get involved and ensure the suspension is halted so that the people of Kanyenyaini are represented in the assembly.

“This suspension is illegal. The intention of the assembly is to ensure the MCA misses assembly sittings for more than eight times so the seat can be cleared vacant. We want to tell the speaker that this will not happen as we will mount demonstrations every day until the rights of Nduta are respected,” she added.

On her part Murang’a Woman Representative Betty Maina accused a section of unnamed MCAs of being behind the suspension of their colleague.

Betty observed that everybody has freedom of expression and what Nduta wrote in the social media concerning the poor state of the health sector in Murang’a was the truth.

“Nduta only pinpointed the conditions of Murang’a health sector. He accused her colleagues of not championing for better services as oversight is their responsibility. Why was she suspended for speaking the truth?’, she posed.

Betty called on the leadership of the UDA party to rein in the operations of Murang’a county assembly and ensure they operate within the law.

Elachi condemned Murang’a county assembly for acting on matters of social media calling the assembly speaker to respect the procedures and laws of the assembly.

“The speaker should not lower himself to a point where he acts on social media instead of getting the truth and following the law,” she noted.

The lawmaker stressed that KEWOPA will continue fighting for women legislators including those elected in county assemblies.

“Women undergo a lot of struggles and humiliation as they search for votes and we will not sit and see elected women leaders humiliated and disrespected,” she remarked.

On her part, nominated senator Veronica Maina said the party leadership will visit the assembly and solve the matter promising that the suspended MCA will be reinstated, failure to which they will seek legal assistance from court.

Earlier in the day, the speaker issued a press statement saying the assembly shall not succumb to unlawful external pressure arising from the distractors of the professional and lawful conduct of business in the assembly.

Mukuha said that anyone who is aggrieved and is not content with resolutions made by the Assembly should use the proper channels provided for appeal on the decision made.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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